God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference
In JESUS name,
Sunday, November 30, 2008
went for the leaguewith ivan n sam at 12pm+
met clifford n jon pang later on..
the guys had to go there early cause their games starts at 2pm
so they had to gather before 1pm.
slacked ard, met my old friend, almelric.
talked slacked..
met my vice-capt n some other teammates and starting tossing
practised pivoting and all those..
when its 3.30pm
we started drill n theory stuff
game started at 4pm.
we lost, 6-9
oh wells..i mean its not bad considering its our 1st time playing together
n well, the other team are mostly from NYP so yea.
i played badly today =(
and nadine shouted at me..
i mean i know she didnt mean it.
i can understand cause shes like really frustrated n all that
and its partically my fault for not playing well today..
i duno whats wrong with me but yea.
today just isnt my day.
prolly due to the lack of sleep last night.. =(
but its okay.
we'll lose this time round..but win the rest of it =D
hopefully, i'll play better on the coming sunday(if i'm going)
and the next(if i'm going too)
oh wells..
after the game, tossed with ivan,zac,nana,carlos
disc knights asked me to join thier club..
kinda weird but yea..
i didnt say yes or no cause i wasnt really interested in it
but i sort of didnt wan to let the opportunity go
but yea, they told me to gif them my contacts
and they'll email me their up-coming training..
so i can go n like join them or something
oh wells..
nana n carlos followed me to eat at long johns
den went home with wee kian
we were talking abt schools not making frisbee a cca
and all that ahah..
oh wells, its good to have a friend who stays near me and shares the same sport interest =)
once again,every night its tears
9:59 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
slpt the whole day,baked rock cake in the afternoon for my grandma
took a nap after lunch
mummy bought super dog for me =)
went to grandma's hse
my cousins were playing fatal frame 2, the crimson butterfly
its scary and funny
cause the ghosts were making funny noises when they were killed
and the storyline was quite sad cause its like
the twin sisters got lost in the forest
den they encounter a haunted village
so yea, blah blah..the older sister got lost had to go save her
after that went to this sacrifice place..
they show like a short video,
of how the village become haunted..
this girl was sacrificed, hanged den thrown into a deep deep hole
after that she became a ghost n cursed the whole village..
scary =/
but yea, in the end.. the younger sister killed her older sister
unwillingly because the ritual have to be completed..
cause they have a custom, that on of the twin will have to kill the other twin
(the one that is to be sacrificed)
like wth man, go thru all the trouble in saving her den still have to kill her..
ate supper at grandmas hse den came home.
gosh, i'm so gona grow fat =(
tml is the 1st game of winter league baby!
YAY!! =)
oh gosh oh gosh, so exciting =)
i hope i can play well tml =D
ohoh i'm gona stay over my grandma's hse on monday
with my cousins =) YAY some bonding time =)
last time when we were younger..
not like we're really old now..
we used to stay over my grandma's hse n play =)
time to relive our childhood memories =D
and on tuesday, we'll go out together =)
YAY sooo happy =)
ohoh i read this jap fashion magazine that my cousin bought,
in japan i think..
the girls are freaking pretty, with make up on
w/o make up, they are ulgyyyy
and i think ah lians or bimbos try to be like them
its like damn disgusting
i mean you flip thru the whole mag,what do you see..
fake people
like come on the super thick make-up
(i've seen the process thingy on the mag, so yea)
act cute poses with like those 1,2 finger thingy
and seriously i think those ah lians n bimbos should just give up the idea
cause even with thick make-up on,
they still cannot be compared to the jap girls
plus the boots and everything..
its singapore, like freaking hot...
why on earth do you need boots..unless its like a event or performance luh
you dont wear boots to shopping or to where ever man
your feet will die from he heat!
singaporeans shld stick to simple make-up man..
too much of something is not good
like some base,eyeliner or eye shadow,mascara n lip balm will do
haha okay, i admit..
its my personal preference
cause thick make-ups are super my point of view.tehehe
and amber, since you complained..
amber is going away on 7nov =(
once again,every night its tears
11:27 PM
oh yea,13dec pick up cancelled =(
looks like i'm celebrating my bday alone again ahah
oh wells, not sure if i shld organise a party
i hate organising..
and if i'll hv to invite frisbee ppl..
omg 16 ppl =/
i dont think i can handle seriously luh
my hse is like super boring.
swimming pool and BBQ pit.thats all =(
no playground no nth.sigh..
birthday, boring.. =(
yay, david is coming back soon =)
like on 1dec.
i'm actually quite surprising to why i miss talking him o.O
like super werid..
choon is coming back too =)
like on 5dec.tehehe =D
but i duno when nickoo is coming back =/
OHOHOH! clifford is flying for japan on coming monday =((
sad..oh more retarded times till 11dec.
when he comes back ahah
once again,every night its tears
12:42 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
went to meet sam at toast box at 9.15am+ate breakfast,
nana,ivan,ruth,jonny,aaron and another guy came
went to make my very own sentosa card =D
YAY baby.unlimited access year.tehehe
zac,issac,carlos,tiff and justin came later.
todays weather sucks like really
its soooo hot.
we all slacked in the shade untill clouds blocked the sun..
den we start playing frisbee game.
den when the sun came out again, we retreated back ahaha.
ivan went off for this dental thingy,but he came back later on ard 5pm+
by than the year 6s came alrdy..
shaoyi,fish,wilson,ben li
clement,clifford and munch
played vball awhile den i had really bad gastric
so i was dying..
tiff,nana,munch left and said they'll join us later for dinner
the whole short trip from sentosa till we get our food at vivo kopitiam
was a complete torture for me =(
as in seriously the pain was so excruciating(pardon me if i using this wrongly, got to widen my vocab)
issac n zac, had their buffet dinner at saske in sentosa.
rich arses..its like $26bucks plus per person ahah
so clifford,clement,shaoyi,ivan.sam,carlos n i went to vivo to meet the 3girls and lav was there too when we met them at vivo.
after dinner, we went to 79
and slack awhile...
omgosh luh clement can play guit,drums really well and he sings too.
what is him man.. -.-"
but yea.i left early cause i wasnt feeling to well
and my mum was bugging me to get home before 12am before i sleep on the streets
not like i'm scare to get locked outside cause like hello..
i'm living in a freaking condo ahaha..
i'll just sleep at the swimming pool there or on the tables at the BBQ pits there
but yea, i managed to pull thru thanks to everyone
tehehe they are like really good friends =)
i feel really really blessed =D
special thanks to..
clifford,clement,ivan,shaoyi,tiff,nana,jonny n ruth..
thanks for "taking care" of me when i had the REALLY bad gastric
i really duno whats going on.
the problem either lies me with or you
cause i dont feel comfortable with being ur good friend anymore
i duno luh.sigh.
once again,every night its tears
11:46 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
anw some pictures =)
special thanks to nana n pang for the photos

MIKO! =)

pang and johnny,the star player X)
i so dig this picture =)
and who says girls are lousy! =) girl power baby! =D

spot me! =)

winter league baby =)
nana,clifford,pang,clement,me! =)
the sky looks scary =/
thought i'd help nana broadcast >.<
a round of applause for her man!she did this herself =)
once again,every night its tears
11:01 PM
went to meet markong at HB mrt stationhead down to chester's hse.
slack ard, ordered pizza
than chesters friend came, ernest.
thanks for the treat markong! X)
tehehe..even though its a total rip off....
anw stupid chester didnt wana eat, or rather..
he ate 2 slices of pizza
FYI we ordered 3large Hawaiian pizza..
markong said,
1 for him, 1 for me and 1 for chester..
so yea, in the end we(markong n i)started stuffing ourselves
with pizza, and i swear, after today..
no more pizzas till 6months later.
i practically ate like 1whole large pizza..well close to that
its like all my efforts in losing weight
and now i'm gaining weight like nuts..shit man..ahah
slacked, watched step up 2 from markong's hard drive
and P.S I Love You
den i fell asleep on chesters bed while waiting for time to fly
so i can go home =/
after watchin P.S I Love You
i kinda thought abt ytd..
the Brenda Lin thingy
and maybe..just maybe..
i cant let him go..but i really dont know
cause i cant really be bother abt BGR now
cause i'm all abt frisbee =)
and i dont wana face all those shit again
as in to argue, to hide the truth from my parents and everything
its just sooo irritating
i want a carefree life.
i want to live life w/o worrying or wdv
oh wells..
once again,every night its tears
10:07 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
woke up at 1.30 sian..last night will be the last time i'm sleeping pass 12am
esp after a trip to sentosa in the morning -.-"
went for acsi training
and yes..i got kicked out of school AGAIN
its no fair, to why ivan can go in the school w/o wearing acsi shirt =(
ROAR! sexist guards!
anw yes..
lavania and a few other girls came to my rescue
borrowed nadine's shirt..
and waited outside the school cause i was thinking of the best way to go in =/
cause the guard saw me alrdy =(
so yea, but the guard came out n told us to go in o.O
he said " why are you standing outside?you're students here right?why run away?just go report to the guard hse and check in.."
den i was like HUH?!? he dont recognise me!?
he just chase me out like 10 mins ago..n i just wear over a shirt..he can no longer recongise me!?
funny werid guard..
but yea, the girls told me to report in as..
" Brenda Lin, class 5.5 register 16 "
gosh -.-" brings back memories..but good thing is i'm OVER IT
well, at least i think so hehe..
but yea, the female guard recongise me but she let me in
as in when she saw me, she gave me the "i know you look"
i think she is like nice but she cant bend the rules..
so yea.
carlos got chased out of school =(
and yes he is very pissted abt it =/ i mean who wouldnt
oh wells, good news for u carlos..
friday's training will be at sentosa and it'll be the last!
saddd but yea
the sec 3s are freaking good!
like freaking imbah ppl..
hopefully we dont get trashed by them during the street competition =/
oh wells
will be goin out tml..
once again,every night its tears
10:07 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
woke up at 9am today =/
instead of meeting
at 9am at food republic X) hehe
caleb joined us later, and carlos came when caleb left =/
like 2pm+ joel left den mervyn
so yea...
we played vball,frisbee,vball and frisbee again until 6pm+ i think
stupid guys were making fun of me
cause when we play vball, the ball always go to this grp of guys
den i always go pick it up cause i'm like the nearest
and its sort of natural reaction for me
so yea, they keep saying i trying to get their number
or the other way round..
like please..they look like sec 2s or 3s luh =/
sick man, to like a guy younger den me
but okay luh one of them is quite good looking
i'd say he look abit like markong..
but he is better looking den markong =X
hehe sorry, but its true
haha and yes, ivan was totally retarded today..
dancing and singing all the way..doing werid stuff ahah
sorry ivan, and my team mates
i really screw up today's game
with like horrible cuts,throws and catches =((
so yea..the guys went for dinner
ohoh i realise justin and i stay like damn close to each other!
haha! another coincidence!
but yea, its like amazing how we never see each other before..
esp when i do jog pass his hse occasionally ahha
hmm..maybe one day i'll meet a frisbee pal who stays in my condo!
WOHOOO!frisbee like everyday X) hehe
hmm, the person had better be a HOT GUY with GREAT PERSONALITY X)
and can like senerade me or smthing =x jkjk haha
oh wells..
not sure if i shld go acsi tml..
i'm feeling kinda shaggg now
and theres like a v obvious tann line on my arm n neck..
ugly shit!
shld have worn sleeveless or something
too bad =( i cant no figure to show ahah
like kenneth and nickoo
are going overseas soon =(
have a safe trip to US choon! =)
will definately miss you.haha
tell me abt ur trip when you get back k! =D
gosh, i'm starting to miss david alrdy =(
when are you coming back UH!!
i dont have anyone as crappy as you to share my troubles with!hehe

okay i'm lazy to turn the pic hehe
care to donate to the Li Funds? X)

my messy hair =/
once again,every night its tears
10:10 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
tml had better not rain =/
once again,every night its tears
7:29 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
oh gosh, this must stop..sleeping pass 10am is irritating =(
went out for lunch at fish&co with my parents
went walk walk n bought a new watch
it looks kiddish but yea, who cares!
cause i'm only wearing it when i play sports
plus its only 40bucks..
i dare not buy a 100bucks watch cause i always misplace them
so yes, after that went to jean yip and get my free hair treatment
its free because they dyed my hair wrongly
and spoilt my scalp =(
so its like a way to compensate it..
oh wells..
saw this really scary thing when they were doing the treatment for mum said they use it for ceramic perming..freaky!
church service,lunch than frisbee at wcp
sigh, even though i really really really wana go to sengkang for WL
cause tml is the time when i get to meet my team mates for the 1st time
and to train together for the 1st time
and play pick up together for the 1st time
and i'll have to pangsei my partner -.-"
but yea, training at wcp -.- argh >=(
my sister was counting her savings
notice the plastic bag on the left?
she seperated 10cents,20cents,50cents and $1s
by using stapler, ahah..innovative uh!
my funny sister =)
once again,every night its tears
11:40 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
thanks kai for giving me the directions to sim lim..hehe
went to meet shaoyi at bugisfollowed him to buy his computer at sim lim..
we have to wait for 2hours before he can get his com so yea
went to slack ard,
walked ard n saw this dress i like
its what i'm looking for..
well close to it..
after buying the dress and collecting his computer,
went to his hse n slack
its amazing that a guy's hse can be sooo nice n tidy
like seriously, if i were staying alone..
my hse wld be in a mess haha
but yea, took a super short nap
played guitar hero on his new computer
while he cooked improvised dinner for me ahah
i'd say, its not bad haha
parents picked me up later =)
once again,every night its tears
10:36 PM
this is super retarded >.<


this is even more retarded
thanks amber for sending the photos =)
once again,every night its tears
12:53 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
ivan n amber came to my hse to practice tossingbut we(me n amber XD ) wants to go sentosa
so yea, we dragged ivan n carlos to go sentosa
haha, i feel guilty but yea it turned out fine
cause we met this grp of ppl playing frisbee
and they asked us to join them for game
so yea, YAY..
hmm, we played awhile den they stopped the game
so we tossed and practiced layouting,
i didnt do any layouts =(
i think i must be under pressure den i'll layout
like have MUST get the disc or something
oh wells, practiced cutting into end zone with carlos n ivan
(they're practising their outside-in)
practiced till dark
went to vivo later, ate at long johns
met russell tan and markong's church ppl
hehe nehneh luh u mark X)
so yea, we went to toss at the rooftop..
ivan was WHINNING to go home ahah X)
so he left den amber,carlos n i tossed awhile
untill the sprinklers came out den we all run
it was quite retarded..haha
seeing the couples run also
went off with amber to the busstop
and carlos went to take train..
saw kevin there, such a coincidence! =D
its been like 2years+ since i talked to him.
haha but yea, he looks taller and more handsome X)
said hi and talk abit den went off with amber..oh wells
was suppose to slack with markong but yea, bus came
oh yes, i almost got knocked down by car when walking home -.-
i wasnt paying attention to the traffic light
cause i was reading my sms but yea, thank God i didnt haha
going out to bugis tml. =)
once again,every night its tears
11:22 PM
heres like pictures i cope from nadines album
its kinda blur but yea

this pic is soo cool, spot me if you can! =)

i'm the black shirt and clements the yellow one.FYI we're not dancing
once again,every night its tears
12:41 PM