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God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference

In JESUS name,

Friday, October 31, 2008

woo i'm back from frisbee
feels great to feel so shag after soo long =D
had dinner with the frisbee ppl
stupid clement keeps talking about IB course n studying all that -.-"
dinner with him is always, ALWAYS boring
anw i had to take bus back =(
oh wells..

anws theres a big frisbee competition coming up
its called the winter league..sounds cool right
i'm not sure if i should like enter the competition
cause if i do, i have to pay 70bucks for entry fee and i'll be alone
cause i'll be entering the womens league
so yea, i have to find another buddy 1st..

anyway this is how its works..
you sign up with your buddy,
declare your status(fitness,experience,skill,knowledge)
and i'm so gona put 1 for all which is the lowest =D
the team captains will pick people
and you form a team!
cool right, you get to meet people whom you duno
and skills far better den urself..
so yea, the team will than train for 1month den enter the round robin thingy
this thing will last up to next year,march
so yea..it'll be hardcore and most definately fun..
to join or not to go? sigh
anyway here is the link you can check it out if you want.

oh yes, good news
24nov sentosa pick up is on!
cant wait for it..even though its like many weeks away -.-

oh i so hate Os
next paper will be SS on monay
how i wish it'll be over alrdy..

once again,every night its tears

10:00 PM

life is so boring
got to study for SS on monday..
i'm going for frisbee later with ivan at acsi
like finally man!
get to wear my new boots YEA BABY! =D
provided i finish studying stupid SS

anw here is a link
that ivan showed me..
it just go to shows frisbee is the ultimate sport! =D

once again,every night its tears

12:21 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2008

ok i'm in a bad mood so if i use vulgarities dont blame me.

firstly, the math paper suck
second, i've got a damn bad headache in the afternoon
third, i wasnt in the mood for movie but was "forced" to
(i'm not trying to be a bad person here but i really wasnt in the mood to watch a movie)
fourth, trips to sentosa were all cancelled.
like fucking well done
i mean some of them cannot blame the ppl
but wth i'm angry at how things happen
i guess i'll be staying at home after Os =( fuck man

anw i was so pissted i needed to do shopping.
went to look at the sundresses with amber,
i look ugly in dresses and its too formal
so even if i buy it i wont wear it.
den we went to new urban male
got alittle frustrated with the colour of the skirt
wah lao wtf is wrong with me
i cant match with any colour
and why the fuck did i buy a skirt...
damn it man
so great, i spend my savings in less den a week
on my soccer boots n the dumb skirt.
but i felt alittle happier after buying the skirt -.-
i guess shopping does the trick,
i should shop more...

oh gosh, someone just kill me.
i duno wtf is wrong with me...
putting aside the skirt n dresses,
oh and remind me to never buy such girl stuff anymore.disgusting.
i'm refering to the freaking intense feeling of anger n frustrated i have
argh, its so irritating..

once again,every night its tears

10:37 PM

YAY all the "major" papers are over =)
had math paper 2 today..
bloody neh its not easy luh
i counted n i'm gona lose 25marks ROAR!
byebye A1
why the #%^#@% they put number pattern in paper 2

i told my mum about when she fetched me
and guess what she said..
"be prepared to retain"
like sure thanks alot..
we end up arguing den i started crying..
like wtf man is it my fault den my mind went blank in the last 15min
is it my fucking fault that i cant do number patterns
its not like want my mind to switch off right
and its not like i wasted my time playing
i freaking studied for math
den why is she accusing me like its my fault
so what if i'm nervous n tensed up, who isnt esp for a major exam
tell me who!?!? sigh..
she keeps complaining that she wasted money on my tuition fee n all those shit
fine luh just take it from my bank account luh
i'm freaking sure its more den enough, if it isnt i'll go work and pay you back the freaking money you spent on me for my tuition k!?
damn it man.
maybe if i'm dead it'll be better for you right
dont have to spend money on me
on my tuition fee,on my medical bills, on my material needs
just dont freaking bring me to japan anymore

sigh anw aft that she brought me to the doctor
took my injection.
went to bakery shop n pet shop after that..

anw i saw the cat that i like alot in the pet shop
i uploaded some photos on how the cat looks like..
they may look ugly
but they have leather like skin and famous for thier endearing personality
they rock! i dont care what you say..

oh yes,
this is a hairless guinea pig.
they are a original breed for lab testing 30years ago..
they look so cute but too bad they can only live up to 2.5years
and they die because their jaw got dislocated and couldnt eat anymore
anw heres the link if you wana read up on it

once again,every night its tears

12:52 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

finish art n physics paper alrdy
sooo happy that art is over
no more sleepless nights! =D

art was fine,
only thing i didnt have enough time to touch up on it.
after art, went to holland with amber..
ate thai express =D
my favourite =)
but i think i accidently ate something with milk
(cows milk not cocont, i'm not dumb..i know all curry have coconut milk)
its either the drink or green curry..
and it made me feel damnn weak n akward.
nonetheless, we made it back in time for our paper
had even 10mins of revision.

what can i say?
the paper was easy
but easy =  lower chances of distinction =(
oh wells..

got to prepare for math paper 2 tml..
it starts at freaking 8am, whats with moe n 8 am
cant they put it later or something?
i hope it wont be like math paper 1
whereby my brain just suddenly stops working..
and after math paper 2, i can relax =)

cause after that its SS,chinese,lit and science MCQ
well maybe except for SS and lit..
dont really bother about chinese so yea.
come on like 15hours+ till the paper is over

someone told me last night that i should change and be a good girl.just forgive and forget like how i used to do when someone hurt me and i've decided to follow that voice. i will try my best not to disgrace him even though i really feel like being naughty because its fun to destory people's life.esp those that did harm to me and my friends or those that spoil my friendships with ppl.i really really REALLY feel like destorying your life so badly that you'll hate me for life. its not like i never did it before to anyone but its just...him..
and i promised him last night,
no more naughty thoughts on making ppl suffer now
no more vulgarities now or maybe after Os
because i love him too much that i have to and must abide to his voice,
and simply just be obiedient..

once again,every night its tears

4:22 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

back to the classics
love it =)
its those carefree days
with no bitches ard

once again,every night its tears

8:56 PM

back home from school lei =)
finally man.
been in school from 9am+ till 7pm+
study n play =)

went to see mdm lim in the morning for the prep work thingy
sigh i still need to change abit here n there
dont really feel like doing it anymore
but since i had started on it,
i might as well do my best.
hate doing things half way,
cause only wimps and irresponsible ppl with no future
does stuff like that
its a good thing i inherited their "do everything to your best" genes i guess =)
and like they always say,
only the strongest can enjoy life
and strongest = being smart + high endurance + high discipline

gona redo art and finish up my physics tys
abit more n i'm done redoing my tys twice =)
i think i just need to revise abit more on definitions and i'm so prepared to Ace physics
just hope i'm still able to focus after 3hour of intense art sigh..
why is Cambridge so dumb,
we should have physics in the morning than art luh.
or even better, put art to the last
dumb idiots, oh wells..

i think i should stop my vulgarities
eric keeps complaining i'm too vulgar..
oh wells, after Os i wont be saying it anymore =)
its uncontrollable now because i'm stressed and i'm not leaving school yet!

oh yes!
2 good news:

i'm going sentosa on the 12nov
suppose to go on the 11nov
but most of the guys will be going ECP -.-
for some stuff...sian oh wells.
better than nothing =)

theres a frisbee competition after Os!
but its street frisbee again -.-"
SUCKS! and now the entry fee is 200bucks
so if we can get 12ppl on the team,
its 17bucks per person...
freaking expensive man!
den again, who cares! i'll go =)
its not a problem to me as long its below 20bucks =D
cause i'm still saving on other stuff

new boots!
be jealous.
be very jealous! X)
cant wait to wear it after Os
so darn sexy!

thanks eric for accompanying me back =)

congrats isaac on being the 100th person visiting my blog X)

once again,every night its tears

8:03 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

man sleeping at 6.30 in the morning is not good..
my eyes are burning =(
oh wells, once in my life time =D
and its a good thing i dont have n dont like the habit of sleeping pass 12pm
otherwise, i'll be wasting my day..

hmm, i still got to do a A3 size of my final art piece
and show it to mdm lim =/
den again, i dont think i'm gona do it..
oh wells
plans for today!
study at queensway macs at 2.30
with eric n desmond =)
suppose to go my grandma hse
but nah, study 1st..
after that i can go play with my cousin anytime =)

anw i've taken picture of the cause for my sleepless nights
its messy but yea..
you cant blame someone who sleeps less den 8hours

once again,every night its tears

1:30 PM

its like 5am in the morning
and i just finish my art! =)
i started like at 5pm
so its 5pm-5am..
ytd was 10am-2am
well done man..
i feel so proud of myself. =D
well at least till wed =)

now amber, see why i wana go home n sleep aft math paper 2?
haha, i'll go join u after i had my rest =)

i'm glad i still had
my strong determination and perseverance
oh look bitch,
theres a difference between you n me..
i'm not a wimp like you.
change the font colour esp for you,honoured?

i'm so gona grow fat,
i ate supper; maggie noodles
at 2.30am.. -.-"
roar, eric if i put on weight..
i'm so gona blame you for pyschoing me to eat..

thanks for talking to me on the phone =)
listening to my bullshit while doing my art,
and of cuz thanks for the gossips
well, its not really gossip since we didnt talk bad abt anyone
and add extra cock n bull story LIKE SOME ARSEHOLE..
we just talk facts about ppl,right eric?
and of cuz share secrets =D
you're like my best bud luh.
next time teach you tricks to jio girls k? XD jkjk

heres the long a waited post..
read alrdy go sleep!!

once again,every night its tears

5:45 AM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

ohh i so love the song =)
love it ever since sec 2...
sigh, brings back the memories
memories that i wana relive
oh wells..

guess what!?
im still doing my art -.-"
kill me someone..

once again,every night its tears

8:58 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

i hate you =(
good thing i'm like almost done with you.
all i have left is just colour schemes n tada!no more art =)
yea baby!
than i can do physics n math YAY! =DD

once again,every night its tears

10:28 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

oh yes, and i thought i had friends that i could trust..
but i dont think thats the case anymore.

isnt it just so sad..
that people would trust some idiots that keep
telling fairytale stories
than to actually look at the fact...
which is smack right infront of their faces

i really have no idea what i've done to them
cause i dont even want to harm them or anything..
but at least i get to see their true colours
cause good friends dont let their friendships waver because of something that is
than again, people dont realise it..
friends also accept each other's flaws..
but people dont see that either,
and to think i actually trusted them,
i trusted hypocrites..
i'm so dumb.

amber, this is for you..
I'm really glad to have you as a friend,
as in seriously.
i'd never felt so retarded and care-free ever since last year.
thanks for being there for me
when i need a listening ear or simply just some girl advice..
and i thank God you are not like them.
at least you dont jump to conclusions and listen to bullshits.
i really hope this friendship of ours will last =)
even if we are going TP together but different courses..
oh yes, i have 100% of trust in you..
be honoured k!
cause only best friends of mine get this =D
and its been 4years since i trusted anyone so much...
and i trust you wont lie to me =)
i love you amber! =)

once again,every night its tears

11:15 AM

bad day to do math paper..

i practically screwed the paper.
i went in and my mind just went blank..
wtf luh.
simple factorisation n simply questions i also cannot do.
worse still, i accidently fell asleep during the paper.
like who the hell does that =(
not enough sleep = lost of concentration = fail the freaking paper.

there goes my dream of becoming a vet.
sigh.so demoralising =(
hopefully, math paper 2 can at least help me get a A2 or B3.

God, what do you really want me to become?
what is the path that you've given me?
what the hell is going on?

once again,every night its tears

11:00 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

geog paper was fairly okay.
i studied forest n development..
it both came out plus the question asked were so direct =D
next up is math paper 1.
still go tto practice more...
but theres not enough time!!

once again,every night its tears

8:34 PM

after one long day...
i only managed to study 1topic,
sigh i really hope they wont have a cross topic with forest and rivers or coasts..
its no fair that the hist students get 3more days to study for hist luh..
not say geog got very little stuff to study about =(
UNFAIR!...oh wells.

at least i studied =)
and i'm happy about it..
cause like what joel korkor said..
God will help you only if you help yourself =D

bad news for me,
my math standards have dropped.
my cousin said i'll fail math paper 1
if i dont do intense math training now =(
sigh, so demoralising.
nonetheless, i really do hope that once i practice it..
i'll be able to get back on track and get my A1 =D

anw i'm prepared to sacrifice my sleep
and wake up early tml to revise geog again.
will be meeting isaac in school at 8.30am
and hopefully the rest will come =/

oh yea,thank you isaac for passing me the notes =)
i dont care what the bitches/basturds will say,
but you deserve to be mention on my blog
cause u're such a great friend.

and amber,  dont be jealous k
you're still the best =D

once again,every night its tears

12:38 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

desperate bitch
you should really stop trying to get what isn't yours
he is taken you understand!?
and stop throwing yourself to guys
cause the sight of you will only make them puke.

if you are pretty and hot,
I'll understand if guys fall for you..
but take a look in the mirror damn it!
can you like peel off your bloody thick skin?
even i don't anyhow give my hp to any guys or flirt with them..
so if someone like me don't even do it, 
you shouldn't either cause you are just embarrassing yourself

and yes, if you don't have a mirror at home,
or it had been already shattered because you are too hideous for it..
tell me.I'll buy one full length mirror for you for xmas present.

you're lucky that you are not messing with my boy
(that is even if i have one =) )
but only my friend's otherwise you are dead slut!

once again,every night its tears

10:51 PM

had lunch at clementi macs
went to meet mdm lim when i reached school
and yea..just wait for time to pass..
english was okay..
summary was tough shit.
i really duno if i can score for this but wdv..
cause the worse is over! =)

im so looking forward to math and physics! =D
the paper better be easy man.ehehe..
geog is on thurs..
and math paper 1 is on friday..
i better start studying for it.

roar! i hate art.
its soo troublesome.
sigh..it takes up too much of my time man.

Os is gona be over soon =D
freedom baby~! =D

to amber,dorcas,charmaine,bolin and cheryl,
i'm sorry if i did scared you guys when i cried.
i'm just glad i have friends like you =)

once again,every night its tears

8:16 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

chem paper was easy.
only thing i didnt manage my time properly..so yea.

tml is english.
people dont usually panic for english..
but only for math.
but its a different case for me.
i panic for english like how ppl panic for the math paper..
so irritating..

sigh, nvm.
i'll do my best
and leave the rest to God =)

once again,every night its tears

9:34 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

tml is my 1st written paper, CHEMISTRY.
i'm so gona own it =)
chemistry prepared to dieeee! =D
you're screwed.

once again,every night its tears

10:18 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

went to study with amber at vivo =)
after that we went to watch house bunny...
its a super retarded movie i swear.
after which went to find kiat to take back my chem notes
and pay a visit to jacob since he is working at vivo..
den yea..

once again,every night its tears

11:56 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

afew more weeks till Os is over =D
till then, its work and more work..sigh.

next paper is on monday, chemistry.
followed by eng 1 and 2 on tuesday
and geog and thurs.

i havent really touch on geog yet.
oh wells.

once again,every night its tears

3:01 PM