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God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference

In JESUS name,

Thursday, January 31, 2008

ok one thing i learnt today.
not to trust anyone in my class anymore
dont ask me why cause i'll never say the reason..
but one thing is for sure, i'm not being unreasonable..
people just have to lie to me, people just have to backstab me..
but never i forgive them, but i freaking dont trust them anymore..
i'll just keep my mouth shut abt stuffs and not share my life stuff anymore.
its not like i have to share it anw..just thought some ppl can be trusted
but i thought wrong i guess so who cares..not my loss
at least now i know who to trust n not to trust =)
which is good for me! =) haha
well at least God knows what interest i have in my heart..
not tat i'm critising or cursing or gossipping about anyone.haha.
so yea. i'm gald at least God opened my eye to what could acttually happen
if i had shared all my personal stuff with them.
THANKS GOD for the warning =)

so yea today was kinda tiring for me..
i duno why either but yea..
had GB exco mtg, it was kinda successful but i got pissted.
ppl shld know the reason why.i wont say it here.
its got to do wid respect and attitude.but yea.i wont hold it against her.
at least if she doesnt do it again..LOL
so yupp aft tat watched e ppl play soccer
nice game ppl =)
haha good game good game.. =DDD

so yea, now i'm back home..
got to type out the GB night game proposal sian but oh wells..
i really do hope everything will go well during the orientation hehe
oh yea..friday is FULL UNIFORM!
haha sian, oh wells at least i get to check attire hehe =)

once again,every night its tears

11:30 AM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i wana declare out loud here on my blog that...

its like lately, after the dec holidays
and after feeling left out and all in class..
somehow i felt really much closer to God =)
maybe cause i realise i cant depend on anyone else but God and myself
its not like i'm saying my friends are not there for me..
its just that ppl got their own problems n i surely dun wan ppl to think more cause of me..
so yea, this make me talk to God more often..
and also i'm reading this book diary of a teenage girl(given to me by joel li),
its a really really cool book as in..
its so like my life, not exactly..but most of it is..
haha i duno but i feel that God is talking to me thru e book
as in how he can help ANYONE as long as you give your heart to him
and i find that God really is helping me..

i always thought i'll be the outcast of the class(still am anw)
but it didnt really affect me anymore..well not as much as before..
as in things got better, well at least now i know true colours of some ppl..
and its good that i learn it other wise i'll end up being miserable again
but yea, i learnt how to overlook ppl's bad points(well still trying to acttually can say 80%thru)
and i'm happy about it..i learnt to judge ppl less too =)
i mean its not like judging ppl can really do anything to the situation right? =D
ok i know i sound like some..yea but its really what i realised n thinking abt for months..

a change isnt really a bad thing, however...it is a bad thing to the ppl round me
i realised that some ppl changed for the worse! =(
n im not really happy about it, as in its darn sad to see ur friends(even though she is just myclassmate) drop in her character values..
or mayb its just her true colours?i duno man..
sometimes i really wish to say this out but i decided not to..
unless ppl starts to find me cocky and spreading rumors abt me again..
i duno if i shld point it out to then so they'll know..
cause usually ppl gossip w/o knowing but yea..human instinct, they'll think i'm critising them..
i guess i all i can do is just to pray?oh wells..

i duno what i've done but i realised..
from ppl's facial expression..i realised that they are either jealous or hate me or despise(sp?)me..
i dont see the reason why they shld feel that way cause
1) i've not been intruding to anyone's lifestyle(at least i try not to&hope not)
2) i think i shld be the one hating them 1st for spreading rumors
3) i hardly ever gossip about anyone!
so yea..maybe i'll just pray about it too =)
since anw i think pirioty is my studies n shldnt bother too much about these minor stuff
that wont affect my future..
i'm glad that i acttually do have friends tat i can go to when i need to or share my problems..
people like..
michelle tan mei ling =)
siew jun ming =)
wilson wee =)
merv =)
joel li =)
ivan leong =)
samuel =)
and my NA friends =)
(sry too many to list lei haha or u cld just say i'm lazy XD )

thanks for everything guys =DD i really appreciate them cause they not only comfort me when i'm sad but also give me spiritual advice!..haha..
oh yea one thing i learn which i think i'll need to depend on if i want a bright future is..
i acttually learnt how to look on the bright side!as in seriously..well i think i did
i also learnt not to complain too much, but instead to appreciate life more!
i guess changing on how you look at life can really do a great change in your life!

so yea..what happen today?
everything as normal, just tat i had to stay back aft skl to do my art..
and i kinda got frustrated about it but it's fine i guess..
i'm like real tired now, but i still got math homework and i've got to study..
mayb i'll wake up tml morning to do my homework =)
also like everyone know I'M SINGLE,
and I'M HAPPY BEING SINGLE cause it allows me to concentrate better on my work and my relationship with God..
guys have to pop up in my life n say they like me..
like sure, but i guess its a big NO..well it certainly is untill my Olevels are over
and i'm nailing myself on that..
i cant afford to let a guy screw up my Olevels, its definately not acceptable
hahas..i know i may sound so stucked up n all those but i'm dead serious..
even though i know its freaking nice to have a bf but i'm sure i dun need one now..
cause i have enough things to account for besides, i wan to hv a stable relationship wid God 1st =)

once again,every night its tears

11:59 AM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

went to vivo wid my parents..
had my skincare treatment done..
it freaking cost my mum a bomb again -.-"
and i forgot to get the doc to help me write a letter..
tat i cant go under blazing sun..siann.
aft that went t eat at KFC before meeting up wid wilson.
and my freaking sisters anyhow say tat i've got a bf
den my mum sort of scolded me..
like wtf i say dun hv means freaking dun hv..keep asking.
bloody irritating, when i got bf den i bring him home luh..kns
den u can stare n investigate him all u want -.-"
ok sry back to what happen..
aft we met, followed him to meet his friends..
den we went to long john slivers at ps to study..
while studying..his other friend saw him n just came n sit..
den wilson's friend's friendS were making a hell lot of noise..
i got pissted so i packed my stuff n walked off..

i also bought marcus a birthday present =)
its a super cute bunny n i kept playing wid it..hehe

so yea..aft tat i went to nick wong's hse..
and nikki was there too..
slacked ard, chatted...and just chill out..
cookie(nick wong's dog) is very cute...but super naughty..
left his hse at 9plus i guess..
oh wells..at least i borrowed useful Olevel notes from nick haha
now i've got confidence i'll do well, cause all e impt stuff have been highlighted..
and its so simple to readd =)) hehehe..7points wait for me!

oh yea, tml i wont be going frisbee =(
cause ryan n ivan isnt going..wah laoo
meeting them tml at 6pm at 79 to study like e other time.haha
guess tml will be mugging day, got plenty of homework to do..
glad tat i completed my chem graph n afew lit qns..haha

once again,every night its tears

1:51 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

boring day..
had GB meeting today.
funnn =) the PT was funnnaaayy but COOL!
well done eunice n amanda!
i really got to highlight eunices' super role model attitude.
its like she is really really stress..like more stress den me..
and she can still put on a smile n pretend everything is fine..
its like so AWESOME!
and what more she DONT COMPLAIN!
i've only heard her complain ONCE from last year untill now...like damn gd.
not like me everything also complain =X
but yea i'm trying to cut down on it..sigh

got plenty of homework..
esp LIT =\ sigh and art too..
oh wells..

LOL my sis just told me ms lim..
yes our old principle ate at where my sis works at..
den she talked to her..so funny haha =)
small world i guess..or isit small singapore.

once again,every night its tears

1:59 PM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

another tiring day.
had exco meeting n ms reena came =)
plus we've got the magic clean alrdy!
so happy finally the GB can be really CLEAN
okay so yea..
debrief on last week's mtg..talked abt exco shirt...
recruitment of sec3s into exco..
finally everything has been settled =)
sad thing is, coming GB mtg got no rec..
its the normal stuff..drill den PT -.-
in mufti and camisole..well done
confirm got ppl faint one..90%confirm..

played basketball wid mark aft the mtg
sigh..we had fun..played wid his church friends too..
russell tan n yuliang was there too..
i play for awhile also can get injured -.-
now my leg hurts when i walk, my ass is feeling the pain too..
cause when i fell, i land on my butt..yea
i've lost my running man earring..
i'm very very sad =(
cause it had a certain significance to me..i've alrdy lost one side..
but yea now the other side is gone..
i can only find the stick n not the running man..
it ran too fast untill its gone XP
sigh..sad..oh yea..den my maid cracked this egg..
which got another egg WITH SHELL inside..
like inside a egg got another egg??
lol its freaky but cool, i wonder what will happen if its not brought to the food industary..
will it like have to chicks?or what..
sigh, i'm feeling tired now..i guess i'll go slp now.
oh yea.tml the sec 4'2007 batch are gona get their results..
all the best! =)

whats left of my running man.COME BACK TO ME! T.T


once again,every night its tears

1:33 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

felt super tired today..
i duno why but yea..irritating.
after skl went to dover for lunch wid a group of ppl tat i miss =)
my NA friends =D haha..
sian.i really feel like gona back to NA..
i mean, i came up to express is for a purpose..
but now i've lost its purpose, i can no longer take it..
i feel that my life is getting more n more miserable as days passes by..
dont ask me why.cause if i knew, i wouldnt even be miserable..
ok back to what happen after skl.
we had lunch and sort of went late to the study skills programme..
so yea.its irritating cause we learnt all those in sec 1 or 2 den now we are learning it again?
waste of money and time..
not being stuck up here or anything, but seriously its boring..
having to hear people repeat the same thing over n over again -.-"
so yea.the programme ended at 5.47pm+
came home..had dinner den started revising on math test..
but i dun think i can rmb much of it...
dun ask me why, but i just really dun feel like studying or remembering stuffs..
even though i force myself..and lately i'm feel kinda irritated by stuffs easily.
i really dun wana feel this why, but yea..sad case..

tml theres GB exco meeting..
sigh, i hope tml's meeting will be a fruitful one..
like confirming the orientation proposal..
and the logistics can go buy the items..


once again,every night its tears

1:13 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

met michelle at ps..
but before that got this guy ask if we could be friends..
like what no! so gay luh..
like desspo, plus he look like he is in his late teens,coming to 20 kind..
lol anw, we met theo later..
ate at pastamaina.. =) love it.
feng n evan came too..walked around ps..
den theo,feng n i went to cathy
michelle n evan went for church service..
anw to cut long story short.
we went to ps,cathy,ps,hereen,cine,wheelock,ps,cathy,ps,vivo..
lol..wow i know haha.walked till my legs hurts..
jon came too..den we all watched one missed call..
its not scary.just like tat..it sort of copy the jap show..so yea..
its like super funny when ppl in the cinema screams..haha
feng tired to make me scream but it didnt work =P
today was super funny. =)
we also played lan..it was super funny.. =D
loves my friends man..haha
jons parents sent us back home at 10plus.. =) thanks auntie n uncle!

this thought came into my mind..
what happens when i graduate,
like most of my best buddies are in NA..
looks like i'll have to go back to school every now and then..
and like i'll be soo...sigh.

but yea..so much for being in express.
anw i'm like gona shift to HDB flat..
like so depressing..
oh wells, my parents told me to get a scholarship into JC..
den i was like..scholarship, right..
sigh, i've got a bad feeling..but yea..hopes for the best..

to ??:
LOOK!arent you happy?i'm acttually mentioning you on my post!be honoured man..
okay, i've really got to thank you for spicing up my life, cause its been really damn boring for me..
so i'm not really gona block you yet unless i'm starting to get bored over it,
anw i think you have a crush on nikki rite, cause you are like so concern..
OR i think you like me right, if not why are you such a nosy person.
but really, why do you care so much. Do you have like a huge crush on me or him?
haha, its acttually quite amusing cause my friend's blog had also been spammed..
and i think its super childish, like i said LOW IQ. seriously, i know of many ways that can help people increase their IQ you know. If you need it you can just approach me =) mayb it can help you to score better.haha..anw about the vulgarities, dont try to act innocent yea. deep in your heart you use vulgarities too right, vulgarities like "damn" is also counted. =) haha oh yea about the loner part..as you can see, oh wait i forgot you are blind, but anw! i've got buddies in NA not like you i guess and i also have God. Do you want me to introduce you to him? He is a fantasic buddy you know..i think i should cause you look like you need friends, from what you are doing.haha..

once again,every night its tears

5:18 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

today was tiring
had chinese compo retest after school-boring!
polished boots, and prepare for GB meeting..
today's drill was abit intense for me..
okay mayb because of the sun..
it sort of kill my skin..now its like abit itchy
i think i should get a letter from the skincare doc alrdy
its like if not the amount of money spend on my skin is going to the drain.
today didnt have much things going on..
just tat i find tat i've been quite a nag..
cause i have to keep reminding them about their attire..
also, i'm suppose to confiscate a handphone..but den being nice, i gave her one chance..
its like..not say i wana scold you or punish you..
but like you dun make my life difficult, i wont make yours difficult
its my job to make sure noone uses hp n attire is proper..
so i'm sorry..
i know you girls are my friends, but when it is relating to GB,
when i say something means something..
i cant always give in because you are my friend..
den ppl will think i'm bias and just not a good leader..
so yea, if i have to confiscate hp or wdv, i'll do it.

once again,every night its tears

3:13 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

like ytd i'm so freaking not in a good mood
skl was normal only thing i slpt in most of the lessons
after skl michelle leong,chia,jo n me did the fucking lit project..
wz is in the same grp also but she was busy...
den yea luh apprently its fucking screwed.
aft tat went lunch wid nikki
he is suppose to treat me to NYDC but i changed it to coming monday.
he owes me lunch. =)
aft tat i came home,bathe den went out wid my mum to jurong library.
couldnt find the book i wanted to for my art..
irritating piece of shit.library so big 1 pathetic book i'm looking for also dont have
aft tat rushed down to 79..
cause i thought ivan n ryan were alrdy studying there..
but they werent..ok so i waited for ivan den we went to 79 n study 1st,
later ryan came..
studied den played game, ok they played video games, i didnt..
den came home..have to facing this bloody computer n find a way to get the lit project done..
as in it is suppose to be a fucking music video..
so there isnt any fucking music..n it is only video..
n i'm now trying to settle the music n freaking video problem..irritating piece of shit..

really what on earth were the teachers thinking when they thought of giving homework to us?
like wtf is with e acting n music?
lik eyou wana make it interesting for us..
but guess WHAT! it fucking isnt!
it pissts everyone off.
cause its freaking useless,
its freaking waste of time,
we freaking duno how to do it &
we freaking dun hv time.
do the teachers acttually think holiday is really holiday for us?
like wth.who the fuck cares about video project when it doesnt even fucking comes on ur Olvl cert?
its like why the fuck gif project work man.
esp what video taking, what editing shits..
not like we have the right software shit..
even you ask us to download what fucking quicktime..
its just a fucking media player!
its not like soem freaking editing programme..
even if it is i fucking duno how to use it.
and i fucking will have to get it done by tonight..
if not i'll get my grp in trouble..
and we'll all have see the most stupid teacher..
n get a booking.

wtf man i freaking wana quit being a student leader.
freaking pressure n the teachers are not helping..
theya re adding fucking pressure..
what work what booking what respect
LOOK! i'm just a teenager.
i also wan to have some fun n excitment in my life okay
i'm not build to study whole day n be a freaking robot.

once again,every night its tears

2:52 PM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

today, i'm really very depressed.
i had 3 tests today..
lit key quotes test, chem test & eng comprehension test..

1) i feel damn alone when i'm in school.
2) i'm not a good role model for GB,
so sack me as a vice-chairman.
3) stress over my homework
4) i cant keep up with expectations, pre-pressure..
5) i'm being ignored
6) i'm drifting away from my friends..
7) i really really wana go back to NA
8) really misses my NA friends =(
9) i'm feeling fragile
10) i hate life.

once again,every night its tears

11:44 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i'm so forgetful..
i let my gb uniform at home when i'm suppose to wear it for assembly -.-"
i'm stupiidddd..
what a vice-chairman. i'm soo embrassed with myself..
i mean can you imagine,
a girl who forgot to wear uniform is 2nd in-charge of ur cca?
like wtf i'm not gona get any respect from my juniors anymore if they hear about it..
i mean..shit man.
i really feel like jumping down..
what more i got scolded by ms ong T.T or isit a warning..
i duno but its embrassing..
not say i wana forget..i've been real busy in the weekend..
going to botanical garden to do the stupid art den going to machritche to do art also..
like..crap man..

besides tat i also forgot to bring my locker key -.-"
wah laooo..well done ralene.
luckily my spare key is wid michelle leong..heng~
tiring day..
had extra SS lesson aft skl..BORING!bloody test =(
den yea..

ok got ppl suspect me n nikki together..
i shall make this clear..
he was carrying my bag cause i was lazy to carry..
and it was kinda heavy.
being nice, he helped me carry..
so ppl dun think so much..
i would appreciate if ppl would stop spreading things tat are not true alrite.

once again,every night its tears

1:26 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

went macritche(sp?) at 7.30am..
very early i know.had to go there to take photos for my art..
i'd better get A1 for my art if not i'm gonna jump..
den yea i saw monkeys..the male money almost attacked me cause i was holding a water bottle..
n it thought it was food..so i quickly hide it.
aft tat i came home, n started revising for my chem test..
for far i only did 2chpts and have 3more chpts to go..
den i went to took a nap, before going for frisbee
i also realised tat my psp got prob..
even though there are games in the memory card,
my psp cant read it..like okay..i was damn pissted.
so yupp today only played 1game of frisbee
cause ppl had to leave on 2nd game and it was gona rain..
so me,ivan n ryan tan went to 79
met amy,ryan,issac..and 1 more guy..
me n ryan tan went to play nitendo station game..
its damn funny n fun.
den i had 1on1 wid ivan on pool
aft which we all played table soccer.. =) funn
haha..met ben n joyce on the way to harbour front..
den we had dinner together at harbour front food court..
so good luh ben n joyce together for 3years liao..
i wish i could have a relationship tat can last till we get married,till we are old..
and forever together!

oh wells..anw i kinda went through my GB proposal for the year..
and i realised tat cross country is on 25/1
yes i know its SUPER EARLY!
i wana ask the class if they wana train..
like for class bonding and train up lor..
since its our last year, why not ,make it a good one?
but i dont think i'll get a good respond..
now, to me, i find tat our class is like not as bonded compared to last year..
and i keep finding someone is missing in the class..
JUN MING! its like empty...like class isnt as fun as before anymore =(

once again,every night its tears

2:52 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

been real stress lately..
cause of GB and school work and Olevels.

To the girls i took for drill:
i'm so sorry that i keep screwing up the commands. =(
really i'm really sorry.

Its the 1st time i actually feel stress doing GB work..
its kinda werid maybe cause i'm feeling the pressure..
that what i say will affect the people tat have to do it..
School work keeps piling.
its amazing how i can even blog now..haha
i bought alot of stuffs to prepare myself for Olevels..
like files to keep myself organised.
neat notebooks to take down notes when i'm revising.
I'm gona start revising soon but i just duno where to start.
now i'm rushing my artwork cause i have to complete them before my tests starts coming in.
anw i'll upload some pictures now..
This was the kitten that i mention about afew posts back.
it looks fine but look at its belly its too big to be normal!
sigh i wish i cld upload the video..

During sec1 orientation...very last day.

once again,every night its tears

3:45 AM

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Orientation day 3(last day!)
was very excited cause today is the last day!! =)
but also kinda sad cause i'll miss them =(
we had class contact in the morning..
like settle goals n class vision..
den they had principle talk..
Mr aw yong seems to be the same as Ms lim but friendlier.
after thier recess they had the 2nd part of the leadership course.
den i went to the PA room to slp in the Audi.haha
but before that i also went to prepare the games for them.
they had lunch after the leadership course
and played
Butter frisbee yes butter frisbee haha we put butter all over the frisbee..
but they ran out of butter so i ran to dover n bought 1..
see how hard log life is haha..
somehow i duno when they had thier cheer competition alrdy =(
i wasnt there to see them do their cheer =(
after butter frisbee, they also played sliding soccer..
is when they hv to get on the mat full of soapy water
and to kick this soap bar with thier butts on the mat n only can use leg..
lol i really wana play too but i cant haha..
after sliding soccer they played caption sponge ball.
i wasnt there either =( cause i had to practice speech wid weixin for GB later =(
the sec1s came in e hall for CCA uniform grp talk den yea lor.
my girls tat did the marching was good =)
the NCC also did a good job..the so called "marching" was nice
had dinner on the 4thlevel classroom..
the food was nice, okay mayb cause we were all hungry
talked to the class abit more cause we had some spare time..
i wished they planned more of these class time den can play wid them =))
gave out sweets for them n the cards..
i hope they like it =)
brought them down for cca booth..had one slice of pizza.thanks nikki!
den gave out lightsticks to them after they settled down in the floyer
den they gathered in the hall with the parents.
i think that the sec ones should do a performance on the last night.
as in cause half of the hall was filled with parents..thats like ALOT!
they shld ask the sec ones to come out with thier dance or skit or wdv..
den can perform..it'll be so nice!
everything ended at 9.30pm++
we had debrief so we end at 10.15pm+
somemore me n weixin had to keep the mats that were left on the floor..
so yea.had a great day n i'll miss them lots! =))
i dont feel like going to lessons now..all the homework n stuffs..sian

Orientation day 2
Today we had alot of talks.
as in together with the sec1s
had dicipline talk,
leadership talk..they were all quite boring..
for us SLs haha.
they also had flag making ealier in the morning n
brainstorming for their own cheer.
i'm quite proud wid the good work they've done for their flag. =)
YAY! well done 1A!the cheer was good too =)

once again,every night its tears

3:14 AM

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Orientation Day 1
met my class 1A..
they werent that bad, just really boy n girl seperation..
like the girls really dun wana sit with e guys..
damn funny haha.
its kinda sad i cant spend enough time with them caus ei had to do LOG stuff
we were being nice to help the rec ppl
it was even our job..
our job is to prepare the items for them n they settle themselves.
we carried canteen tables n chairs to the hall..
stupid i know thanks to the bloody rain.but lucky it stopped..after we shifted up -.-
den we seted up the spider web thing..
i almost died from it.i did like 1 1/2 station..
theres suppose to be 3spiderweb station n yea..
my calf muscle almost died from it..
it was darn boring after set up was done

i got super pisst with sec 1I
cause they didnt wana play n they gave me attitude..
ok at least 4 girls played.thank u.
aft tat i scolded the girls n guy who didnt wana play..
like come on its really freaking not easy to set up luh
obviously they dun appreciate it
and think that sitting there acting cool is so much better..
like wah lao sec1 only act cool.what bullshit sia
ok nvm they are SEC 1s...

was super tired.
after debrief we played captains ball..
sort of release stress.haha..
den i went over to dover wid joseph n ryan..
bought alot of stuff for my sec 1A class
cause i feel so bad not spending time with them..
n i used up like my money for this week..
how stupid can i get.haha
too bad who ask me to be so nice!! X)
i'm gona have to starve for tml n friday! =/

oh well.hope tml will be much more fun
at least more bonding even though tml is all the talks..

once again,every night its tears

1:50 PM

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

went out to meet theodore,chel tan,feng..
ok someone was 40min late -.-"
by the time they came i read finish my 35pg sec1 proposal twice.
after meeting them at HB mrt we went to PS
we tried to buy tickets for Alien VS Predator (NC 16)
but we cldnt buy cause it wasnt our bday yet..
like who the fuck cares abt bday,by right this year we r all gona be 16 what..
than we went to cathy n try to buy the tickets there..
we bought it! YAY =)
den we went to eat at pizza hut.
their service.is HORRIBLE sucks like shit.
the glass cups werent clean, so were e plates.WTF man..
we eat 2 hawian pizza n i eat some meatball.it sucks.
den we head to cathy cinema
when we gave them e tickets..
they asked for i/c we showed them..den they didnt allow us to go.
cause our bday havnt pass yet.
like wtf n i was darn pisst.
like they shld hv checked at the counter n like not allow us to buy
cause they wont gif us back a fucking refund..idiots.
ok its not thier fault, but the bloody government.screw u!
they insisted tat we watch another movie tat is rated pg
den i said " can i slap ur bloody managment "
bloody shits man,they shld gif us back a refund!!
they say we are allowed to watch another movie within a month..
ok like wtf, my fucking Olevels!who the hell wana come out to watch movie..
den when i was walking out of the place..
i said " fuck cathy "
ok i shldnt hv said tat but wth they WERE IS ARE STILL unreasonable
we paid 9.50 for todays tickets
den they get to eat our money cause we'll hv to come back on a bloody school day
which tickets are sold at 7.50 or cheaper i think..
n the lady who served us her name was FENG YI! haha
yi feng's sister! haha nah jus joking..

other den that..today was funnn =)
went to PS arcade..
yifeng placed the card at his pocket..
den w/o knowing he keep tapping it on the sensor
den we have to keep playing the basketball game..
haha it was damn funny..
saw sze,casper they all..werid
too bad brendan wasnt there...

den we went to starbucks..
sat down, didnt buy drink,chatted..haha den feng left..
so we went to vivo starbucks,theodore,chel n me
they bought drink, i drank water cause i ran out of money
den we left..

once again,every night its tears

11:53 AM

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


got new new year goals
O level!
OMGOSH!oh wells..

school starts in 2days time!
homework! tang-tang-tang..
got to rush them..but its ok..
got 3day "grace" cause i got orientation wid the sec 1s =))))

ok lately i've been moody
and stuffing myself wid food n chocolate.
thats like damn damn damn bad
cause i like put on weight!!! =O
can say good bye to sexy figure no more.
haha.oh wells..


once again,every night its tears

5:03 PM