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God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference

In JESUS name,

Sunday, December 30, 2007

went to see the doc ytd
had a inject on my butt..
it hurts, untill now it still does.
n what i had wasnt stomach flu but food poisoning..
good thing is i'm feeling better now.
vomitting has stopped thanks to the injection
but now my whole body aches..

wanted to go skl ytd for the sec1 orientation thing
but my mum told me not to go.
den today i wanted to go meet the logistic ppl at clementi big bookshop
to help them but my maid told me to stay at home n rest.
sigh..now i feel so bad.

once again,every night its tears

4:44 AM

Friday, December 28, 2007

got stomach flu.
feels freaking terrible..
keep vomitting n have dierreahoe..
wth man.screwed up

once again,every night its tears

4:13 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

the kitten is gone.
my sisters sent it to spca in the aftnoon.
i took some pictures n a video of it..
i'll upload them if i can..
i cried when they took it away..
cause they wont nurse it back to health,
they'll just put it to sleep.
some ppl might say so much for drama queen,like you only know the kitten less den 24hours.
yea wdv, i love the kitten.so what.
any injured animal that steps in my house, i'll love it n look after it.
i'd rather it die in my house rather den putting it to sleep
cause as long as it is alive, theres still a chance for it to be nursed back to health.
what more the kitten looks so much better,
i believe it can be healed.i believe...but there wasnt a chance..

God, i have faith in you, i believe in you, but why did this happen?
i know i shldnt ask u such qns..but what got a innocent kitten got to suffer like this?
why cant she walk?why is her intestine sagging?why can u save her?
why cant you give me a chance to look after it?
why in the end she must be sent to spca?
isit it the same as dodo?
wasnt she better after we kept her?
why did she all the sudden just die?
den how about kitty?
she was a damn damn healthy cat, she cld live for another 10years, why did she die?
why the fucking hell must she die?
why must she get run over by a bloody idiotic car?
why isit that all my pets just die like that for no bloody good reason?
even my hamster, she was freaking healthy,
i went for my pr 5 camp n i camp back, it died.
why the fuck did it die?what fucking heart attack?
you just have to take away the ones that i love most,
take away my best friend.
yes, my pet is my best friend so what at least they wont backstab me,
they'll listen to me, they even comfort me when i cry.
why cant you take away the ones that i hate most
it'll definately make my life better.so much better.
take away exams,take away homework,take away politics..
take me away.just take me now?please?
i dont wan a human to my bestfriend..
i dont wan a replacement.i'm scare of them
i cant even trust my own sister, what more can i trust other ppl?

i admit i'm freaking depressed now.
reason?too many to say.

had the feeling of almost fainting
while walking around my hse..
ok walking ard my hse is werid i know
but i need to relax awhile after watching tv n doing my art homework.
had so much trouble on just drawing a simple cloth.
i cant draw properly anymore.
cause i do not have the mood and i've lost my touch in drawing
i cant even draw a striaght line anymore.haha..
after so many hours, i'm still stuck at the draft sketch..well done
so much for finishing my homework...
i was watching the korean drama "lovers in paris"
its a darn nice drama.
kinda envy the girl being so pretty..
and blessed wid 2 rich guys that love her alot..
and surely, anyone would help her when in trouble
esp the 2guys...

got school tml n i'm like falling sick..
well done. -.-
maybe i'm too exhuasted n depressed..
but i thought depressed ppl dont gain weight..
yes, i gained weight.n to me its quite alot..
see me go hospital tml..
and when i go hospital, wilson rmb the promise, i'll need to borrow money to pay for my hopital fee.

so much for boxing day.
whats so great about boxing day?

once again,every night its tears

1:28 PM

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

went to joffre's church today
it was alrite.made new friends =)
n benjamin see(my sister's friend) kept saying i'm like my sis..
like yea sure..she is way better den me in everything.
den erm..yea lor aft service, went to eat den play pool..
came home den went to my grand's hse
ate dinner den had macs 1hour later
i really duno whats wrong wid me..keep eating.
my eldest sis brought home a kitten wid broken legs..
she found it crawling across e car park earlier on..
its like quite smelly but yea..
its like dying.i really wana keep e kitten n its like another black cat!lol
but my dad doesnt want us to keep e kitten n my sis intends to send it go spca..
but if she sends it to spca, they'll kill it! nooo! =((
God heals!n i believe he will heal this kitten n allow my parents to allow it to stay at our hse.

can i ask those who read this post to help pray for this kitten, for it to go back to perfect health n let it stay in my hse so we,as in my family can look aft it


once again,every night its tears

5:21 PM

Monday, December 24, 2007

just came back from my grandma's bday party
the journey to my cousins hse was terrible ok for me
i stuffed myself with chocolate on th car
den my mum scolded for crying so much
cause my eyes were puffed n red..
and i still cant stop crying even though its been 3hours since that incident
what more i took a nap aft crying,before leaving hse..
when i went my cousins hse..my aunt ask me what happen..
den i just told her i slpt late.(its not a lie i slpt at 2am last nite)
den yea..my cousin came n ask me why everytime you come our hse always so sad..
den i reply oh cause i'm tired.(not a lie again, i was really tired after crying)
my grandma gave my angbao for my bday.haha..
but it seems like angbao money is getting lesser n lesser every year. =X
haha oh well. its the thought tat counts =)))
it was really boring today..didnt have the mood to eat dinner, still i ate alittle
den we watched the movie called "the kingdom"

that show is damn scary..not ghost scary but the reality scary
its abt the bombings,terrorist n everything..
like sucide bombers..they dress in uniform den walk in the panic crowd n start saying
" do not panic follow me,follow me "
den suddenly raise both his arm n say duno what " praise allah " or something
den he bomb himself n all the kids around him..like WTF
aft that got this lady she was sent by the FBI special agent thingy..
got this guy attacked her..n like throw her around like a soft toy
den she took out this dragger n stab his dick n he was still attacking her..like wtf
den she stab his chest den he fell on the floor, still wanting to kill her
den she finally stab his head..like WTF..damn cool!
if i were in the same situation as her i'll do the same too,
cause its either you die or i die..haha.but its real scary..
like imagine all the bombings n everything..

aft the show, we cut cake den go home..
now my eyes hurt alot, i've got a headache from crying,
got an upset stomache due to the chocolate n i still cant get over it
oh n i just realise..last year the same thing happen
on the 23rd me n my sis argued too..but duno over what..
i guess thats why my cousin asked me that..oh wells
my pathetic life

i guess it'll be much better if i didnt exist.
my parents wont have to spent thousands over on my face
spent thousands over n thier precious time on my hobby
wont have to spent thousands over on tuition

n oh..someone just argued within my family..
sian when will it ever stop?

once again,every night its tears

3:58 PM

today is suppose to be a happy day
to celebrate my grandma's bday
but apparently it wasnt even happy for me.
early morning n my sister started throwing temptrum
she took a sofa pillow n threw it on the floor
n i picked it up for her.wth
even if its "your" house still got other ppl living under the same roof rite
ok i didnt tell her tat but yea just my thoughts
we argued over a stupid thing.

i was like watching my show on tv
n the table was full wid stuff n i was eating my lunch
my sis had to rudely asked me to move.
all i did was just "tsk"
den she was making alot of noise
den i said" wth table alrdy so sqeezy still wana sqeeze in"
her "mummy ask me eat now cannot isit, ask you move abit also cannot arh"
me"you can move the things on the floor rite"
her"you wan put mummy's food on the floor arh"
me"you can put away e oranges rite"
after tat my dad started scolding us..
obviously we wont saying it as normal
she was shouting n making alot of noise..
i was like e wah lao everything i must do for u meh kind of tone..
den she started throwing temptrum by opening her bloody carrot cake super loud
den eat damn fast den aft she eat finish, she like annouce that she finished eating
by wrapping the pack back like damn fierce den bang the table den shout
like ok..whats more saddening
my dad didnt scold my sis, he scolded me
like i shld serve my sister, give in to her
like wtf give in to her many times i also nv get a thanks
she insulted me sacasticly so many times i also nv scold her back
ok mayb once or twice..
but wah lao every human being got their limits to everything
if she is my younger sis obviously i'll give in to her n bloody hell scold her for her rudness
but wth she is 8years older den me..
and she treats me like a bloody servant like i owe her my life

ok so tell me why isnt there any justice in my life
why isit that everytime this kind of thing happen i'm always the one being scolded?
why isit that she can make as much noise as she wants n not get scolded?
but when i just make 1noise i get scolded like as though i owe the whole wold to her?
why isit like i'm always the one at fault?

i shldnt have even went thru the trouble of buying her a xmas present
n waste my money on her when i can buy present for my friends tat appreciates me more den my so called sister
i really shldnt have...

i feel like jumping down
but sadly my condo only have a maximum lvl of 4storeys only
so even if i jump down my life wont end just like tat
even the tissue box have run out of tissues to wipe my tears

i think my life is just so pathetic,everything i do also wrong.
i dont have a happy family
i dont have true friends in my class
i wana love someone but im not allowed to
i wana go church but it'll never happen
i wana score simple 3 A1s is like making the moon mine
the biggest joke of my life is tat i when i wana sucide i dont even have the facility to kill myself

i dont blame God for my pathetic life
i only pray that he'll take away my life now

once again,every night its tears

7:04 AM

Friday, December 21, 2007

went for my cousin's BBQ party today.
it was alrite.food is alrite.ate alot though..
get ready to see the weighing scale's needle move to the right..haha.
saw this cute guy..he looks like sec3 or 4 but guess what!
he is in ITE haha..so gay.he look damn young.
he helped my cousin buy 2 bottle of alchol.
4.8% e mixed wid carbonate fruit juice one..
its nice.like normal sparkled fruit juice.
later i took e bottle of beer to drink aft sharing wid them e "fruit juice"
i drank some n my face turn red liao..den my mum told me not to drink alrdy..
i wasnt tipsy or drunk its just a normal reaction..
later my cousin vomitted -.-"
still wan drink alchol.if i know shldnt even let him drink..
oh well i wana go out tml!siann..

once again,every night its tears

4:29 PM

went to meet the girls at hb macs
had gb meeting at my hse.
glad everything is finished.
hannah,tan wei xin,liu wei xin & nat stayed at my hse longer.
to watch dvd.
hmm den i went out wid mr tan n clarah to queensway.
bought this soccer boots =))
it looks quite guyishh but still..its comfortable n i like it =))))
den went to dinner wid my parents.
super full, think gona put on weight =(
ok i'm tired.mayb i'll go slp early today.
sexy eh?took it in macs


once again,every night its tears

12:45 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2007

sigh this holiday sucks.
i'm becoming more aggresive in arguements n short-tempered.
crap man.
i cancelled class outing because of some senseless comment someone made.
tsk.how stupid can i get..
sigh.but isit even wrong to organise class outing?
like wtf organising a class outing is alrdy so fucking difficult..
den still wana complain dun wana go sentosa,dun wana go vivo.
anw abit of common sense who e fuck wld wana go town aft going sentosa?
if you have so much to complain n NOT EVEN giving suggestions u organise luh wtf.
btw you wont even GIVING SUGGESTIONS!!
you know what is giving suggestions?
its " can we go to somewhere else instead? " - positive
and not " why classouting always go vivo " - negetive
like wtf not say facebook comments are strictly posted to me only
other ppl who hvnt confim yet also can see rite...
think if they see ur comment will wana go meh.
wtf man.where are u common sense!
ok mayb i over reacted.
but what the hell, ppl alrdy struggling making e whole class come..
still must gimme this kind of bullshit.
aiya wdv it is.sry i scolded u.
wheather u read or not its not my prob i alrdy apologized.

once again,every night its tears

9:00 AM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

went to make my ic today..
sian got both my thumbs dirtied by the print thingy.
den went to meet wilson, walked ard ps n bought presents for my sisters liao.
for my older sister i bought her a cirgette box from mu-ee
den for my 2nd older sis, i bought her a jigsaw puzzle
and guess what i'm broke now.well done.
den went to suntec met my family n cousins there.
bought some clothings..
watched the movie golden compass again..
den went to eat something at maxwell market with everyone..
tired man.
i shall stay at home n wake up late tml..
damn man my eyebags are getting worse.
getting uglier n uglier! T.T NOOOOOO!~
sian..still got art homework,chem,chinese & geog..
oh wells shall do my chem n art n geog tml..
easy stuffs =) n i'm gona hv turkey tml for dinner =)

once again,every night its tears

4:01 PM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

went tuition today..
did my math homework..
what a revision man..haha..
merv said he wana buy a pair of soccer boots for my christmas present!
oh man dream come true =)))))
have to go n buy so many xmas present..
ahhhh..i hope i had save enough..
i wished i was allowed to work den can get more money to buy xmas presents!

coming up stuffs!
i'm gona make my passport and i/c
I/C! WOOO! ok retard i know
den watch golden compass with my cousins =)))
gona hv Gb meeting at my hse
mayb go out wid the girls den
mayb gona go shoppin wid merv for e xmas present..
skincare appoinment =)
BBQ party in the night at my cousins'
sec1 orientation 2008 DRY RUN
sec1 orientation 2008 DRY RUN 2
GB meeting at my hse wid Ms Ong(final decision for proposals)

man i just realised i got lots of stuffs to do.
got to slot in time for xmas shoppings n stuff man..
oh yea.i hvnt like got any information abt the logistic thingy for the orientation thing..
i hope they dun dump the stuffs to me near christmas..
i dun wana go hunt for orientation stuffs when i NEED to go buy xmas presents.
but if it really happens.i shall be irresponsible n not buy the stuffs.
1# i dont have enough time till the dry run date
2# i have the rights since they inform me on it late
3# i dont have the money to buy the stuff even if i have the time
4# my mum will kill if she finds out about the situation that i have to rush&buy on the stuffs,
cause i might have to miss out on some stuffs, or be late

i know its bad not being responsible..espacially when i'm a cca leader..
but wth.i have my own life too plus its christmas week!
ok all these are selffish reasons..but aiya.
i shall fight against the reasons on being irresponsible
reason to be responsible:
1# against my concious(sp??)
2# reflect bad on me
3# might get sacked
4# regret my entire life
5# ppl in log grp will find me being a jerk.

ok its 5 against 4.
hmm crap.lifes difficult.
oh wells.when the time comes, i know God will help me with it =)
when i really need help...that is..

once again,every night its tears

12:23 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

went to my grandma's hse in the evening..
cousin bought the Nitendo Wii..
wah lao damn fun luh.
i super super love the war game.IT ROCKS! =))
n yea i just came home not long ago..haha
oh yea btw HAPPY BDAY JIQ QI!
hmm..i think mayb i can go church tml =) den go for frisbee
i really really hope it doesnt rain tml..
its been like so long since i played frisbee..sigh.
oh well!
CHRISTMAS!wahahaha..more presents =)
dont you ppl just loves present?
i love them to the core! =))
oh yea some ppl still owe blated bday gifts n celebration! =X

once again,every night its tears

5:11 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

wee today is my bday =)
i'm happy even though it was a worse bday i had so far..
didnt do much..went to meet glenn in the aftnoon
walked ard vivo n bought jiaqi's present..a big lollipop!
den ermm..suppose to meet wilson for dinner but yea..
he was too tired n glenn is sick..so yea.just go home lor..
den b4 going home,glenn wanted to camwhore or however is it spelt as..
so funny..suppose to go meet chris for movie aft dinner at home..
but yea was too lazy to go out..

thank you for all ur birthday wishes&present!
really appreciate it =)
(yess..we share the same bday.haha =) )

once again,every night its tears

3:41 PM

Friday, December 14, 2007

wahh..gona go tuition later..
sian aft tuition duno what to do..
i dun wana come home n do homework!
argh.waste of time.
holiday shld be holiday n not holiday+homework+project work

really appreciate friends who send me bday wishes n presents =)
but what do i do tml!?
sigh.i only got 20bucks left..thanks to my stupidity..
of spending too much money ytd..
n its 20bucks for tml n sat for breakfast,lunch n dinner!
even if i do have money..almost everyone isnt free!
they are either busy or overseas..sigh =(
i wana go sentosa again n go shopping!
..or mayb i shld just stay at home n rot.as usual.
saddddd.i need something to do today n tml!

once again,every night its tears

4:25 AM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

went to meet michelle leong n jo at hb mrt at 10amplus.
so sweet lor they gave me my bday present =) thanks!
den erm i gave michelle leong's present to her..
hmm..aft tat went to long john sliver since it was raining n i didnt eat my breakfast..
decided to go sentosa after tat..
we got to see many many hot guys at pawalan beach!
cause they were having some event..lol.
hmm..we played wid water..took photos..
oh yea michelle's shades rocks!
that i borrowed it n intent to hunt for one tat is e same later on..wahaha
the funnest thing happen when we were going back..
the tramp we were waiting for was filled wid hot guys from the event..
n we didnt hv space to sit..acttually have but we were wet n didnt wan to squeeze in..
den they guys said " come here luh!here got space!here can sit! "
haha..so funny luh.the way the say it..den erm..when they train was moving..
the guy from the back row took a photo of us wid his hp saying "smile!!"
n i wasnt smile to his cam i was laughing at him..but yea..aft tat the guys laughed -.-
n made a joke abt it.haha..darn funny..
next funny thing..while waiting for the next one..
theres this guy that got brendan's smile..(according to michelle)
was pointing at me n asking me to go swim..
so funny luh den i cannot stop laughing..aft tat he smiled..
his smile is like sooo cute =))
when we board the tramp, they waved at us.haha.so cool!
hmm aft we changed n showered,by the time it was 2plus
den we went to vivo n meet chia at long john slivers again..
haha..hmm aft tat went to the open air theatre there to cut the birthday cake for michelle..
n guess what!jo baked the cake..haha it was nice..but i was too full to eat..so i take a small piece.
aft tat went to buy a plastic bag from daiso cause the cake's plastic bag tore.haha..
met markong aft tat n said bye to the girls..went to buy his rubix cube or wdv it is..
(that cube pissts me off)den went to cine went to buy my shades =)
den markong bought 2shirts for me for my bday.haha THANKS YOUS
so nice.sad he got to go early.den ermm came home..
n guess what again!my maid ask me go back to vivo! =/
no choice hv to follow her..anw i need to buy my dinner..
now my leg aches but i had a good time =)
i wana see hot guys on my bday too! =X
i wana go sentosa! X)))

once again,every night its tears

2:46 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

went to meet weixin for the planning of enrolment..
while waiting for her at HB mrt.
got this grp of guys like trying to get my attention..
okay mayb one guy.but he is like cute..oh well..cant really be bothered.
went to the rooftop wid weixin n disscussed abt the enrolment thingy..
like omgosh..so many things to do..sigh.
hmm..aft everything have been settled.
we went to walk ard..den met up wid jo,amy n nat..
went to the arcade n pet shop while waiting for the next gb meeting at 1pm.
met everyone else at food republic.
had lunch den went to the open air theatre to have our meeting there..
settled the orientation thing n talked abit on the enrolment thing..
kinda know how a teacher feels like after that -.-"
went to walk walk ard vivo wid them..
oh yea i bought michelle leong's present liao.hope she likes it man..its super super cute.
den erm..surprised eunice wid a slice of cake..
wanted to embrass her infornt of many ppl but yea..
she went to a place where there wasnt much ppl..sad..
but she warned me abt the next meeting on the 20th..
lol..sian i just hope they dun do anything funny.haha.
oh well.gona have to redo abit on the game proposal..
they are damn cute.i wonder why isit they dun hire babes also..
den it'll be so cool luh..the hunk n babes shop x)
but its like darn werid if a girl wana buy like skirt or wdv..
den she have to ask the guy..so pai sei luh..
anw i saw this sleeveless shirt which have the word frisbee written on it..
i wanted to buy it but its 69.90!?wtfreak!
haha..but i'm not even sure if i can wear it..it looks darn big..

once again,every night its tears

12:50 PM

Monday, December 10, 2007

oh yea.wanted to post this earlier on..
i want to stay single untill Olevels is over..
so to any guys who want to jio me..
dun jio me.cause i'll confirm reject you
not posting this to like showoff or wdv
i just dun like reject ppl n causing heartbreaks..
but still can be good friends
so yea..sorry =)

once again,every night its tears

5:27 AM

had my early bday party ytd..
cousins came over at 4plus..
they went swimming aft they ate..
i didnt want to swim, but my cousins splashed water at me..
n i'm all wet, so i might as well jump into the pool n chase aft themm..
it was fun =) aft that brought them to vivo..
they are not exactly young, but yea luh..since there is nth to do in my hse..
the adults are playing majong n watching tv n singing karaoke so might as well go out..
hmm..one of them is sec4 the only one older den me..
den e younger ones are sec2,pri6 n pri 5..yupp
went to arcade wid them..
den went to pageone..bought them simpsons movie..since they want to watch it..
so yea..came back home n used my sis's lap top to watch the movie..
my laptop too lousy..i duno how to make it play dvd =( haha
wanted to go follow my aunt to go n work at her food shop..
but my dad didnt allow cause he say i'll be too tired...
10pm-6am..lol i really wana try working there..even though she says e manager v fierce =(
still i wana try! its like so cool but my aunt say i cant work there unless she is there cause
she say i too pretty, go alot of erm what isit..erm dirty old man there..
-.-" okay..my sisters also prettier den me also go there n work..
oh well.shall work there next week =)
wana see what kind of ppl really exist..haha

hmm suppose to go frisbee..but its like raining..
somemore i'm not sure if church camp started last week or starting tml..
sigh..i wana go church..i hope when my parents go overseas on my bday i can go church..
just hope they come back on monday den i can go on the sunday! =)
sigh.homework!irritating..still got chem,chinese,math,art..n i'm so not doing lit..
its a stupid project work.what video taking, singing, music, actting..wth man..
completely waste of time..if i know lit got such irritating project works..
i shld hv just stayed in NA n take Amath..screw it =(

once again,every night its tears

5:05 AM

Saturday, December 08, 2007

went out wid michelle tan,russell,daniel,riaz and two of riaz friends..
had BK for lunch.tsk thanks to RIAZ
den erm went to watch golden compass..
the show is nice, but yea i'm watching again on the 18th..
aft tat we went to the arcade..played for awhile..
den had dinner at thai express, my favourite place =))
hmm aft that jon's dad sent me home =)
his dad is so nice..and of course with russell n michelletan in the car also..
haha we were talking about studies den Olevels den haunted road den tsumani..
was a drift in topics uh.haha..
oh well gona hve my bday party tml..i hope it'll be a good one..
michelle, jon n russell wont be ard to celebrate my bday =(
guess i'll celebrating it alone on e 14th since my parents wont be in singapore anw..sighh

me n chel =) damn bad hair day

left: chel n me right: daniel,russell n jon

once again,every night its tears

2:22 PM

Friday, December 07, 2007

went for tuition..
frisbee was cancelled -.-"
so i went to study at macs wid wilson instead.
guess what! brought my homework but never bring my textbook with me..
how great rite.ahah.so i didnt get much help also..haha
anw yea..came home for dinner..
but theres no dinner! dad's gonna buy dinner(supper) now..
really miss NZ alot.sigh.
got to rush my GB proposal man..need ideas!anyone?
hmm..gona go out tml with michelle,jon n riaz at ps =)
HOMEWORK! i'm gona finish u!

once again,every night its tears

2:56 PM

Monday, December 03, 2007

you've been a blessing to me..
you were there when i'm alone n needed help..
you were always supporting me..
but now i have to say sorry..
i'm sorry but i really tired,but its just going against me..
thank you for everything..really.thank you.
sorry baby.

once again,every night its tears

1:39 PM

Sunday, December 02, 2007

okay these are the photos i have from the 1day(leaving for NZ n 1stday there)
ii'm so lazy to post the 2nd day photos.lol..shall do it tml if i'm free.
arrive at the airport like 5am plus
it was kinda sad to leave my parents but yea..
i was a brave girl n 1st time i'm gona go overseas myself(as in w.o parents)
i was happy tat i'm able to take tat 1st step w/o crying =)
wahaha..okay so yea..whos in my grp?
gab(leader),marcus,titus,daniel,ryan foo,shane,doreatha,valerie,yelin n me =)
group name: Pipin(yes from L.O.T.R)
we left for brunei,took another plane from there to NZ
it was a super long flight..kinda had neck pain..
when we arrive at NZ it was 4am..
and some how when i got my baggage back...i opened it n it couldnt close..
but luckily somehow e guy helped me n it can close =)
praise the LORD..i prayed lor =)
den erm..everyone slpt on the bus n yea..saw many cows on the way..
had breakfeast the park.it was a beautiful park.love it..
e ground was full of those tiny flowers..
we had a tour in the tropical rainforest n lesson on how limestone caves were form.

Lesson on limestones:
limestones are made up of calciums from dead shell creatures.
overtime when dead shell creatures such as cockles,etc..
they'll pile up den due to gravitional force, there is pressure acting on them..
making it form layers n layers.
what seperate the limestones n form layers are the dirt n rubbish from the seabed.

TADA!say i'm good.haha =)
so yea aft the tour in the forest, we went to do some studies on the river..
like how deep is the river,what creatures live in the river,flowrate of the river,sediments in river,natural characteristics(i think)..
hmm..aft that we went for lunch at the Long Black Cafe.
thier pizza is super super super fantastic.
the best pizza ever! =)
10thumbs up..if can haha.
so yups.went to the glow worm cave aft lunch.
too bad we are not allowed to take photos..
it was super beautiful..plus romantic.
its like a million,billion green stars =)
so sexy.aft tat we went to waitomo hostel to stay over.
dad,me n mum

at brunei transitgab,marcus n titus slping on plane
at the park
daniel,me n marcus
yelin&me(gosh i'm ugly in this photo)
enterance to forest
at the forest
walking in the cave

once again,every night its tears

2:26 PM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

sry people!didnt upload e photos.
darn lazy to do so..hehe.
went out wid wilson n glenn today..
cause i cant find anyone to go out wid.but its fine =)
they are still my friends..only thing not tat close.but its okay.
went to watch enchanted.to me its boring..but they both like it.
erm den they went to eat at burger king -.-"
eh..den went walk walk aft tat went to play pool..
i really start to suck at pool man..sigh.
went to vivo, ate my dinner den came back home.
oh yea..saw xingya,steffi they all in the toilet aft the movie.lol
so funny.haha..hmm..
mayb i'm gona go hang out wid the guys tml at east coast park..they are gona play soccer so yea..just watch them play lor.since its been awhile..

once again,every night its tears

1:30 PM