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God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference

In JESUS name,

Sunday, February 25, 2007

woohoo,had a tiring camp.we had camp same day as BB like wth..
place limited plus extra noise we dun wan.
oh well at least everything went smoothly.
the sec 1s are seperated into 5 different grps.
and tat leaving me w/o a grp.
oh well..i'm just some1 works a hell lot behind scenes running here n there.
at least i get 2 know how tiring it is..
reflections time!

GB sec 1 orientation camp.
Day 1
After Gb meeting the camp started.
marliene,bao xian,julia and me came down early to set-up the obstical course at e parade sq.
it was super tiring but it was fun.
the sec 1s had dinner b4 e obstical course.
by then it was 7pm+..
there was a sastifaction when i saw e sec 1 enjoying themselves when they had 2 complete e obstical course.
1st they had 2 walk across e bench,had 2 pick up a cup of water when crossing the web(standing),had 2 cross under a table which was soapy,run 2wards e bottle,pour e cup of water into e bottle.
the most difficult challenge is 2 pour e water in e bottle..cause e only access is a straw..so yea..
aft a obstical course,it was bath time 4 them den devotion.
during devotion,most of e committe had 2 go prepare 4 e murder game combined wid e amazing race.
dorcas n i are e station master at e 3rd level chess table.
its super dark,but i'm alrite.dorcas on e other hand..
kinda freaked out i guess..
while we were given time 2 prepare e stations e sec1s are havin supper n briefing of e game.
it was boring waiting 4 grps 2 come 2 our station.
anw e sec 1s had 2 complete both games at e same time.
they have 2 complete e stations and also investigate who killed the victim.
and have 2 gif e suspect name by e end of everything.
the whole game starts at 9.30pm+ end at 11pm+.
debrief of e game and everything..
and finally i get 2 bathe..hai.12.20am.
went up 2 e bunk and had debriefing again.
slpt at 2am..wanted 2 order macs wid valentia and geraldine but yea..
when instructed 2 go 2 bed..early.
didnt really slpt well.

Day 2
woke up at 6.45am 2gether wid mich.
washed-up.went 4 devotion.
prepared breakfeast 4 them..
leaving me nth 2 eat -.-"
went 4 games at basketball court.
went round n tried 2 rah rah e sec1s..
apparently,e sec1s have e hack-care attitude..
or mayb bcuz i'm a extra...
oh well..aft games.e girls had 2 pack up their stuff n bring it 2 PA1
had devotion there.
played a web game..
passing e string 2 some1 u wana thank.
and again i had 2 do some work.
aft e game,e girls had thier debrief den photo taking.
soon after they left 4 thier snack time.
we had our debrief n phototaking.
was feeling super dead by den.
everything ended at 1.15pm+

overall it was a great camp.i may sound like i'm complaining n stuff..but yea i really love 2 help.i dun mind doin it again.but not always doin stuff alone.makes me feel so left out.everyone has a grp but i dun,no intereaction at all =(

aft camp,i came home packed e house.
because there will b guest coming 2 my hse..
went 2 slp at 2.15.was super tired
woke up at 5pm+
was in a bad mood..
didnt feel like attending 2 guest..
guest all left at 9pm
i chatted wid my darling..
and went 2 slp at 11.30+

once again,every night its tears

8:02 AM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

oh man.
was relucton to go skl today.
its still CNY,holiday mood...
felt super slpy during lessons.
anw had GB sec 1 orientation camp meeting straight aft skl.
all e way till 4plus.
went 2 grab a tiny bite frm dover.
came back skl n went 4 another GB performance meeting.
hai..wanted 2 go home earlier 2 study.
CCA is so much a waste of time.
i need time 2 concentrade on my studies man.hai..
i guess at times like this i realise how much i really need God.
hai..i came back home n my heart started 2 hurt again.
sometimes i really wonder if i got heart problem.
anw i'm gonna see e doctor tml..
i hope i'm alrite..
tml i got SS test.hai gotta study..
and i got math tuition..cant wait 2 go 4 math tuition.
its werid tat suddenly i love math..mayb because i can solve e problem sums.
oh well..got 2 go back 2 e books.
even though i got tis strong desire of playing maple again..
and i cant download it.hai..
take care ppl!<3

// i love my tofu pillow!

once again,every night its tears

1:40 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

i'm at mich tan's hse now^^
had BBQ.haha.it was fun.
many many ppl came 2 e BBQ party.
ho tang,vincent,junming,mervin,theodor,zenn,brendan
sk,abigial,joanna,swenn,cheryl yeo,jing xia,jeanette and ME!haha
had a tiring day.
i was chef of e day.haha BBQing e food^^
the food turned out nice.YAY!haha.
anw yea.
mich: sexy party man!thx 4 inviting me!haha
everyone who went: thanks 4 e fun time!
oh well i'll be heading home soon
i wanted 2 stay over nice but yea.
as usual my parents dun allow.
i'm looking forward 2 next BBQ at mich tan's hse again^^
mayb by den my parents allow me 2 stay over nite.haha.
hai,tml gtg myh uncles hse..
dun feel like going,rather go out wid my darling luh.hai.
well at least he came 2dae.happy happy!
loves you so much darling^^<3<3<3
thanks 4 makin effort 2 accompany me 2dae.
anw imma gona play games now..hai
now only left mich n me..sad sad
every1 went home.
oh well.tc ppl!enjoy ur holis.cya!

once again,every night its tears

3:49 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007

tired tired.
stayed back till 6.30 2 do my art.
kinda scared of e competition..hai..
brendan saved a slice of pizza 4 me frm his media party.
sweet right?love him 2 e core.
but he didnt spend time wid me =(
oh well..i still love him.haha.
and all of my friends.
damn man tml i got chinese test.
starting 2 panic..hai..
ok gtg study.cyz ppl!

once again,every night its tears

12:52 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

went to skl wid many things in my hands.
had 2 bring balloon,1big stuff toy(feng's),cards n roses.
i went 2 my locker wid sk.
n when i open up brendan's roses..
all e petals fell out,den i cried.
i feel so wad luh..
dorcas managed 2 rearrange e petals back..
and guess wad!?it looked like a rose again..
brendan n i exchanged presents.
he gave me a bouque of 5pink rose,a pillow,a cookie.
i gave him a balloon,a rose wid fallen petals n a card.
feel so bad =(
anw..yea had a tiring day.
had 2 sell marshmellow coated in chocolate n drinks aft skl.
i made e coated frozen marshmellow myself^^
so come support n BUY!
will be selling again..soon.
suppose 2 spend 2 wid brendan luh!
but instead i spend it selling stuff..hai..
anw he wasnt feeling well..
my heart was broken,hope you get well soon darling.
anw i came back home n fell aslp.
oh oh!when i was on my way home i saw zestin
i was damn suprise.
he said he was lookin 4 me ard my estate there..
like yea right,haha..anw.
suppose 2 meet brendan 2 watch e stars but yea..
when i woke up it was quite late..haha.
hope every1 had a great day,
thx 2 those who supportted my class.
oh yea.soccer guys,you rock!
though e score is nil-nil but still good match!

// i love you lots baby!

once again,every night its tears

2:24 PM

Saturday, February 10, 2007

he rocks like a rock.
anw.during lit..i broke a chair.haha.
ealier on, our relief teacher brought us 2 e courtyard.
she gave us premission 2 stand on e chair n table..
i was standing on e round table outside e chem lab.
i jumped on down frm e e table 2 e chair
n i broke it.ahaha...
its damn fun.a reason 2 break skl property haha
whole day in air-con room sia..
later gona hv physics den chapel band practice
den GB.
YAY!sec1s are joining us 2dae.happy!
now i'm hvin chinese lesson.cyz later ppl!

once again,every night its tears

3:55 AM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

went 2 skl ALONE
cause sk woke up late.
still was tired aft last nite.
didnt really slpt early..
anw yea..
its super cold in e morning..
n super hot in e aftnoon.
went 2 eat lunch wid mich choo,mich leong,hannah,joanna and fredrick.
passed him some stuff..
YAY!valentine day,i'm spending it wid him.
i'm so glad..but i hvnt ask my mum yet..
so yea still kinda tied down 4 tat matter.
anw i realised i've been flunging most of my subjects..
i even failed e math test by half mark.
like Whack-The-Fish!
how on earth did i fail my math..hai..
i kinda just pass my chinese test..
damn it luh..wads e different between NA n express?
but i still keep flunging my subjects.
sucks man.unbelievable.
ok sry abt e sidetrack.
yep..so aft lunch e girls went 2 meet pauline n julien..
had 2 do some stuff 4 GB performance stuff..
sick n tired of it alrdy man..
alittle sidetrack again...
i was thinkin abt e duet wid ryan.
mayb i shld do solo instead..
since we hvnt confirm on e song plus its harder 2 practice..
if i do solo,i'll need a guitarist..
hai..so troublesome..
mayb i shldnt join e talent quest stuff..
starting 2 find it gay..
back 2 e point!
i left skl ard 5pm.
came back home.
napped,artted n gona slp now..
so yea.tc ppl!
e weather is going crazy dun fall sick ppl!

//i miss you much

once again,every night its tears

2:05 PM

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Had a tiring day.
had a great night.
all i can say is..
i love you.

once again,every night its tears

3:49 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mr Mak was darn angry 2dae..
or since e day 3C had our physics test.
yup..he lectured us,3C for abt 45min.
hai..duno if i shld feel bad or wad.
physics is something i really cant catch..
anw earlier on,i had math test.
it's so not good.
i wasnt prepared 4 e test..
i'm so scared tat i'll fail e test..
anw aft skl i went vivo wid sk..
we watched a korean love story movie..
and made e plastic thing wher u use e liquid 2 colour..
den u put it in e oven..when its done u can paste on ur mirror or plastic..
so yea..it was fun..only ppl like me n her wld do..
yup.had a great day.
other den feeling moody 4 failing physics test..
n tml i'm gona hv social studies test..
its like totally crap,
its only e 1st term n i'm flunging most of my subjects.wth man.
sometimes i really wonder if i did make e right choice..

//cant wait till tml evening!

once again,every night its tears

2:20 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

i realised something..
i cant get angry..
when i get angry i'll feel darn tired.
after when i reach home n start 2 chill..
i'll get heart pain..
as in really heart pain..
like as if i'm gona die from heart attack.
oh man..
anyone got ideas to stop the heart from being pain?

once again,every night its tears

2:07 PM

went ard viewing ppl's blog during eng lesson again.hehe.
i know i'm naughty haha.
but hu cares i'm not 1 of e class comitte.haha
had GB 2dae.
super tiring..its been a long time since i marched tat long.
during rec i was shouting like mad..
reward 4 doin a gd job, getting a sexy voice.haha.
anw i'm gona slp soon!
tml will b meetin up wid much tan at harbour fornt mrt..
2 go JJC funfair 2gether..
AFTER that..
gona go her church as i promised..
tat is i hope my parents dun find out-.-"
i feel like going back 2 havster assembly of God..
and e cell meetings..
if any of u see me moody during skl time OR aft skl..
try not 2 provoke me yea?
been rather moody these few days due 2 stress n problems..
sry peps!

once again,every night its tears

1:38 PM

Friday, February 02, 2007

hope u had a great freezing day 2dae man..haha.
its a blastin cold day 2dae luh..
i had 2 wear tis big pull-over jacket which made me look boobless-.-"
haha=X anw yea..
had chem test 2dae..wasnt really prepared 4 it..didnt study.
well,i did slp well though..haha.
had FC 2dae,talks on world vision n OBS.
the thought of OBS is darn freaky.
i think e only reason i wld find it scary or freaky is who will b in my grp..
i got a slight feeling hu might b in my grp alrdy..
but yea..havent really choosen e location yet.
we can choose 2 go either pulau ubin or brunei or some where in malaysia.haha.
yep..most probably i'll b going 2 local luh..cuz its darn expensive..
dun feel like wasting my parents money..
anw 2dae was a super tiring day..
had 2 rush many stuff at a time..
was stressed..very stressed..
tml gona have physics test..
shit man i'm like so scared..totally freaked out luh..hai..
wish me all e best 4 tml man-.-
oh well..gtg peopless!cyz!tc!

//cant wait till tuesday
i miss you alot.

once again,every night its tears

1:40 PM