God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference
In JESUS name,
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
TIRED!went out 2 meet sk at 12pm.we went shopping ard queensway.she was huntin lookin 4 her volleyball n shoeand i'm hunting 4 a orange jacket.she bought a beach volleyball..den off 2 search 4 a orange jacket.we both walk e whole queensway like 4times? really sucks.lesson learnt: not 2 go queensway if ness.btw we saw a fairsian working in a n sk was shocked la.4 me ok la.cuz its a holis.aft tat went 2 meet michelle at gelare.holland v tat side.i walked in n i saw 2 fairsians.i was like WOAH.den walk further in..WOAH.sia la so many fairsians.waited 4 michelle.when she came i order waffle y cant e discount on waffles b on every weekdays?haha.buniess sure earn v changing 2 express..abit e stressful man.starting frm next wk.its tuition every morning.aft tat we both walk walk ard holland v.and at e same time search 4 the shop call face shop.she saes there sells gd quality + cheap nail polish.haha.hey cant blame me i'm a is she.walk n walk den saw another fairsian working.haha darn funny.stare n stare den suddenly laugh.aft tat came back home.ate dinner.went 2 onni's hse at 8pm.bought some movie over 2 his hse.watched you think you can dance 2den later Aexon and guess who.drank some werid tasting vodka.came back home ard 12.30am.mum starts nagging blah blah.aiya like please..we both stay so near.5min also can.but seriously.i juz dun understand y guys walk super gona start jogging man super tired.
once again,every night its tears
5:18 PM
CLOUDY SUNDAY!another boring sunday.went 2 my god-papa's hse 4 tuition.suppose 2 collect bks frm yiting aft tat but it was too late.i'm borrowing frm her express books so i can express so mafan so many aft tuition went 2 buy assement books.sec 2express.den went 2 eat.also i bought a new cover 4 my K5.feel like naming my K5 la.i'm so so in love wid it.i think i dun need 2 get married liao.haha.jkjk.but it wont hurt me as much as a real guy wld.came back home.slacked.maple 1hr.gona slp soon.super tired these few to think wad my mum said was true..hunks are flirts,they are never loyal.not so handsome guys are if u wana marry,marry a not so handsome guy.hai..4get it man.its time 2 be a les..JOKING!haha.hai..but really when ic teenage couples reminds me of eswt times when he n i was 2gether.i duno y i still cant really get over it.though its been 4months.something is definately wrong wid me man.oh well.i shld so seek some advice on how 2 erase memory or something.nites ppl!plans 4 tml:b4 12pm- collect bk frm yiting.12pm- meet sk at queensway.1.45pm- meet michelle at holland v last bus-stop.Labels: cloudy sunday.
once again,every night its tears
1:20 PM
stay over night at my grand's hse last nite.
play monopoly wid my cousins untill 2am.
den i went 2 slp 1st.
woke up at 12pm.
still super tired.
played monopoly later again.
3hrs non-stop.
in the end i won!
man if only tat was real cash.
went back home.
went out 2 vivo wid my parents.
bought a new MP3 - K5
super sexy la.
came back home.
went online n ppl keep askin me abt e class outing.
so wad sia.
i alrdy pass e msg on friday lor.
he didnt reply me 4 2 daes alrdy.
i HATE ppl 2 ignore me la.
ok mayb his hp got confiscated or something but he didnt reply me on msn also!
like wth.hp nvm but msn u online..den u dun reply me.
i'm startin 2 think if he is playing me la.
its irritating 2 wait man.
den juz now my mum scold me 4 not sayinh thanks 2 her n my dad 4 buying me e mp3.
like wtf la.cant i sae later?
not sae i'm nv gona sae.
shit man.she is getting more n more irritating.
i so so so hate life man.
its juz so unfair.
feel like juz taking out my heart n stab it a million times n put it back.
its so painful 2 fall in love.
so painful 2 live.
so painful 2 cry.
irritating life.Labels: life sucks
once again,every night its tears
1:20 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
FIRE DRILLhmmm.they sae 2dae got fire drill excerise.i didnt really wanna go skl 2daebecuz it was a complete waste of time.i HAVE to go is bcuz of e report bk n last day wid my'm really gona miss its so irritating.ppl start callin me express gal/kid.i knew it will happen.some were joking..but some unreasonable ppl will start thinkin i'm proud.wad the hack.went out wid mich,chester n mark.played 2games of bowling.realised tat some1 is keepin a secert frm me.saw ALOT of teachers while walking 2 bus-stop.came back 2 grand's hse..boringoh man gtg.Labels: FIRE DRILL..oh man
once again,every night its tears
9:58 AM
REPORT BOOK! went 2 skl ard 9am+
2 meet mrs toh 2 collect report bk n hear her comments abt me.
i'm not scare of collecting of report bk.
cuz i alrdy noe e results.
i'm juz worried if i shld choose express or stay in NA?
&Mrs Toh encourages me 2 go express.
&my parents encourages me 2 go express.
&doctor encourages me 2 go express.
&friends in express encourages me 2 go express.
&friends in NA encourages me 2 stay in NA.cuz they miss me!haha XP
oh well.
in e end aft crying out of stress..
i chose 2 go express.
firstly i can save a yr.
secondly i can explore e world earlier.
aiya everything also earlier.
[ reason y i wanted 2 go express in e 1sem is bcuz of my we cld leave skl e same yr.but now we r not 2gether.i kinda think twice b4 going.if we were still 2gether, i wld go 4 it whole heartedly. ]
aft collecting report bk.
went out 2 harbour fornt.
waited 4 eric n riaz.
pritish was suppose 2 come but..
i guess he was playin soccer.
we all decided 2 watch DOA
okay mayb me only cuz all dun wana decide.
bought tickets at 4.40pm
walked ard,went 2 toys r us,starbucks,arcade.
n time 4 e show..
its a nice show.
guys u shld go watch e show XP
aiya..all shows r boring 2 me.
can predict e storyline alrdy lor..
sians..always e same thing.
if e starting is like tis,
e ending will b like tat.
standard 1..duno y.
came out freezing frm e cinema.
lesson learnt - bring jacket next time.
called n msg him..
but he didnt reply..
wanted 2 meet him at vivo..oh well..
went back home.
tml still got skl man
me n sk
e red thingy
at the cinema
[ it really hurts when u dun reply T.T ]
Labels: report book collection
once again,every night its tears
1:46 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
sentosa!went 2 take volleyball frm ooni's hse.den head 4 sentosa.
met sk, jon, feng n jim at macs
ate some fries, bought a bottle of water 2 bring there.
went off at 1.45pm.
it was we were abit..ermm.yea
but still when we went there e rain stop when we reached siloso beach.
we played beach volleyball.
played wid sand.
played wid seawater.
den it started 2 rain again.
we played in e rain 4 awhile.
den seek 4 shelter.
played monkey in e shelter.
when e rain stopped we went back 2 play volleyball again.
tis time we played wid some other guys.
haha.darn fun.
loser do pumping.
2other guys wid feng,jim n sk is in a team.
jon, me n 2other guys is in a team.
my team won all e game.haha.
aft tat we took pic.^^
overall 2dae was great.
i tired 2 climb a coconut tree..
but halfway injured my leg.hai..
walk bac home limping.haha.
oh btw did i sae onni's ball spoil..
i'm so SRY ONNI !
e other guys tat werent playin volleyball took onni's ball n played soccer.
n e ball spoil.hai..
once again..SRY ONNI!
went back home ard 6pm.
super tired.
came back home.slacked.gona slp soon..tml gona take report still express or NA?help me God!!
guys playin wid sand.
feng's n sk's drawing.haha
can u see 5 names?feng,ray,jim,sk,jon
SARAH LUVS RALENE!haha i noe she does X)
jon,jim, me.feng,sk
e guys we play volleyball wid.
[ baby,i miss u much much muacks*XP ]
Labels: sentosa
once again,every night its tears
2:10 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
didnt go slp 2dae.slpt untill 8am.woke up.mapled 4 2hrs.went 2 sk's hse.jon was there too.ordered macs.slacked out.untill 5 pm when e rain stopped.came home mapled lvl 37.oh man i tink i'm becomin some sort of com freak.hai.but wad 2 do.no1 wans 2 go out wid me.gosh i'm still stuck on e decision if i shld go express or stay in NA.wad awaits me if i go 2 express- stress- lesser time of my own- finish skl in 4yrs- able 2 start dream job faster.- no friends- bio n lit can b taken.-can enter any coursewad awaits me if i stay in NA- lesser stress- 1 more yr xtra- able 2 skip ' N ' lvl ???- not able 2 take bio n chem- friends ard me.- on can enter course 4
so which?hai..if i were 2 get 80% i wld hv choosen 2 go expressbut 71.2% is super risky.but juz 1.2%hai..i also heard there will b 12 retainers frm sec not going well like tat lor.hai..gona slp nites.-thanks 2 dan 4 helpin me call pritish 2 ask abt e form.-thanks 2 jon 4 letting me play his PS2 n paid 50cents 4 me.-thanks 2 everything tat exist in tis worldLabels: express or NA?
once again,every night its tears
4:28 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
reflection on tis yr.-friends come and go.-if u work hard u'll get wad u want.-love is so sweet yet so painful-i've met 1 guy tat changes my life.-my skl is a screwed up skl.-tis world is bias.-e world is changing.-every1 is changing.-time flies.-tis world is full of uncertain stuff.-nv judge e book by its cover.-waiting is tiring.-handsome dudes r filrts.-treasure wad u have,once they are taken.they nv return.-God is my king,my father,my saviour,my best friend.-no pain,no gain.-humans make empty promises.-trust urself,bestfriend n God.-dun believe in rumours they create trouble.-believe in wad u see,do n feel.-found a new best friend.-got a pal.-there goes a yr.Labels: reflection
once again,every night its tears
1:38 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
results of sci n eng paper.
2dae skl ends at 11.30am.
so lucky.haha.
went out 2 suntec 2 eat jap food..yum..
came back home n slp..
untill 5.30pm Jim called my hp..
he invited my 2 go out wid his church friends.
ok wait he waited me on mondae but yea..
i said i didnt wan 2 go cuz i dun wana b xtra.
in e end i still went.
they r all nice ppl la.
den Jim also nv tell me tat it is cell grp meeting.
if i noe i dun wana go alrdy la.
later get myself into trouble..hai.
came back home ard 10pm.
v late.1st time man.
but anyway i had a fun time wid them.
[ drifting further frm my friends. Is tis e end of my social life?oh well. ]
Labels: results of eng n sci
once again,every night its tears
2:35 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
hai.bad day really bad
cried twice 2dae.
1 during skl time n 1 at home.
i cried in skl cuz..
i cant get into thru train course.
there is no sub bio course.
n bloody skl shattered my dream carrer when i juz fixed my mind on a goal i wana work 2wards.
fuck shit.
i'm gona fail la.
wad physics n chem.
like takin another lesson of math la.fuck shit.
I must take A math den i can go in thru train course.
fuckin ms lim duno how 2 tink at all la.
so fuckin unfair.
another bad news is
my cat i've been searchin 4 21days is dead.
my mum knew abt it last wk.
but didnt tell me cuz i was in my exam wk.
she came 2 noe abt it is bcuz
she ask e cleaner n he said he saw a dead cat somewhere outside my hse.
my mum den confirm wid him tat it was my cat wid a pic.
she told me she was knock down by a car.
fuck shit did it.
can at least own up right.
fucking gay shit.make me wait 4 21days full wid hope.
n i went in e car n hear " kitty is alrdy dead "
wad fuckin crap is tis.
fuck shit i've nv cried so long 4 my entire life.
1.10hr + 20min in skl.
been predictin last yr it might happen.
nv expect it 2 really happen.
Labels: worse day of my life.
once again,every night its tears
12:40 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
help me to stop crying.
why do i cry every night?
no1 understands me.
e pain i've been thru.
hu can help me?
not even God can.
how do i let go of e past
it doesnt let me go?
i feel like i've been used as a tool.
i nv really exist do i?
i'm jus a illusion.
ppl sees me.
n ppl jus dont
even though i'm there.
e past is haunting me.
when will it let me go?
where is my cat?
when will i stop crying?
e past brought me much pain
and much joy.
everything i taste
is so bitter.
my tears taste salty.
my bitter life,my salty tears
Labels: every night, illusion
once again,every night its tears
12:50 PM
woke up at 11am.
slacked.preapred 2 go tuition.
b4 headin 4 tuition
went 2 eat at Han's e spagetti darn nice.haha
i love it e cheese taste.ahaha.
erm.head 2 my god-papa hse 4 tuition.
den came back home ard 5pm.
suppose 2 cycle wid onni..
but he change 2 tml.
so i played maple instead.
sian.hv 2 chiong character.
now only lvl 32.
tml's schedual is screwed man.
shld i got bowlin or cycling? irritating.
the past is filling me in again.
look wad u've done.
u unleased my hatred i had locked away.
u unleased my jealousy i had locked away.
u turned me into
some1 every1 will hate.
i took e risk of telling u.
i shldnt hv.
i've just been murdered by my past.
Labels: boring sunday
once again,every night its tears
12:59 PM
went 2 skl in e morning 4 e open hse thing.
suppose 2 reach skl at 9.30am
but i came at 9am
polished boots.
blow balloon n beach ball.
den e rest michelle tan,chia,nat,joy,shuyi,dorcas,samantha,weixin n pauline
prepare some thing else.they also got help me.of cuz.
den me n michelle went 4 out break opp skl.
ate chicken rice.e shop owner change lor.
sian.chicken rice also not tat nice liao.
came back skl 2 bring e stuff 4 display up 2 e hall.
cca booth thing.
table so small la.kns.
we're suppose 2 gif out sweets staple 2 e flyer of GB la.
den e guests at least took 2 or more.e gals.
michelle n i went outside 2 play wid e beach fun.haha.
erm.everything ends at 5pm.
i decided 2 sweep e GB rm n mop it.
so dusty la.omgosh.terrible ppl.
n they can still sae they clean it during how long ago.please
i can even c spiders-.-"
came back home wid michelle.
so many things happen.
i'm so darn confused.i duno wad 2 do.
[ shld i still luv u? ]
Labels: cca booth-open house day.
once again,every night its tears
3:20 PM
woke at 8am.
went 2 skl abt 9am.
suppose 2 meet up wid james but something came up.
so yea.slacked.
soon 2F ppl juz start comin in.
when e whole class almost gather den we all go up 2 LT 2gether.
they split our classmates accordin 2 regeister number-groups of 5.
sway.i was e last person of my i got 2 time.
aft oral
went 2 eat lunch at west coast..
wid sk,feng,ky n jon
every1 ordered porridge.
it is super its cheap.haha.
aft tat walked 2 jon hse.
at jon's hse
n woah his hse super big la.i wished i stay in his hse T.T
den i can hv my own bed rm.haha.
jon showed us his neighbour's hse.
frm e balcon of cuz.
woah e hse is so freakin nice.
e hse got a swimming pool,half sheltered n half open,
there is also like a tv on e platform where e swiming pool is located,
a gate so tat bulgar wont swim nice!!
plus it looks like a spa cool la!
it looks darn relaxing.
e owner must b darn rich.
i wished i cld live in tat hse.
my dream hse!
no la me dream hse will b much much better of cuz.
erm..feng took jon's guit n brought it 2 sk hse 2 repair.
nikki was waitin at e gate 4 sk -.-"
we went 2 her hse and slacked all e way.
at sk hse.
i played com,guitar n watched tv.
i left early at 3.50 cuz got nth 2 do.
so boring lor.
came back home.slacked even more.
oh btw did i mention tat mrs toh said i failed my chinese paper 2.
so yea.spoil my day.
n i thought friends shldnt b sayin " yay i beat u "
hai..guess things r turning ard 4 me.
i had my ups in e 1st half e yr..
now..i'm havin my downs..
life is always like tis.
so yea.hai..
man..i feel being treated like as if i'm invisible.
every1 goes out n here i m at home.
well i cant possibly go out alone.hai.
i'm sry guys.i've been rather emo these few these.
not like i wan 2 b :(
things juz aint right 4 me.
i hope u guys,as my friends,will understand me.
-sry wasnt on purpose.really.i really m sry.-
( God if u really exist.why r u makin me suffer?)
+ empty promises +
Labels: english oral
once again,every night its tears
1:30 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i was suppose 2 wake up at 5.30am.
30min of revision.
but..i overslpt again!
hai.been so tired lately.
english paper was super easy man.
so was science.
i didnt expect it 2 b tat simple.
ok mayb bcuz i studied but still.
4 those tat didnt study..
60% will pass.
mostly e ans can b found in e MCQ!
i bet i'm gona score high tis yr.
i cant wait till exams are over man.
came back home.
slpt again.
woke up.
studied math.
gona slp!
worried abt tml.chinese n math.hai.
[ tell me its not true. ]
Labels: math n sci paper
once again,every night its tears
1:50 PM
woke at 9am.
while studyin onni called me..
he said he saw cats tat look like my missing cat.
ok so i went over.
hai.saw 2 cat but none of them are my cat.
my whole family hv lost hope on my cat.
i juz hate it when some1 says she is dead.
its just so painful.
n i treat it as a curse.cuz she is not found yet.
they got no proof tat she is dead.
when i came back home.
my dad brought me 2 Vivo CIty.
e view of e nice!
hai i wished i cld spend time wid him there.
oh well..
yea but e place juz opened.some shops hv not opened yet.
e place is darn big.i almost got lost :x
yea i noe its stupid but seriously.
ok i went there bought Subway-eat fresh.haha
came back home.
slpt at 3pm.
woke up at 6pm.
ate my dinner.
watched bleach.
man my parents act as though i'm not studying.
wads wid them.i studied doing 10assement paper of sci!?
horrible ppl!tsk.
but really i'm scared.
i dun wan history 2 b repeated again!!
hai.gona ppl.n all e best 4 exam.
[ i wonder.if i shld carry on. ]
Labels: day b4 sci n english paper.
once again,every night its tears
12:30 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
woke up at 11pm.
argh.last time slp so late.
darn tired.
i woke up..
studied sci frm 4pm-6.30pm.
aft tat went 2 kent ridge park.
helped out auntie rosita.
we gave out free moon cake n pamelo.
aft tat ice-cream.
500free ice-cream.1st come 1st serve.
tipical singaporeans.
all chiong 4 e ice-creams.
even though it suck they still wan it.
well giving out e ice-cream i met 1 guy.
cute,hot.i met him on mrt n bus b4.
he was a ex-fs.he changed skl.
he talked 2 me when i was rushin 2 gif e ice-cream.
i replied.he is cute la.
he took e ice-cream n went off.
later he came back n asked 4 a spoon bcuz his broke.
n left again.later on he came back 2 sae gd bye.
hahas funny.
hmm..aft giving our ice-cream.
our stall become a lantern place.
where ppl light there candle.
my maid,sister,kenry n i help ppl 2 put e candle in their lanterns
yea.den onni came
i gave him a moon cake n a box of candles.
we met william.
followed him 2 some where 2 his clique there.
they were so called bullyin christerphor.e small kid in sec 3.yea.
aft tat we went back.up 2 e stall area.
oh did i meantion.e stage performers singing r horrible!
like some1 juz died.
yucks man.
oh when everyting ends.which is 10pm.
onni,my maid n i walked back home.
haha.long wlak but still good exerise.
n btw e haze suck!i cldnt breathe 4 a moment or two.
came back home.
e cute guy added me on msn.
he got my email frm shuyi's friendster.
chatted.slacked.gona slp now.
Labels: lantern night
once again,every night its tears
3:46 PM
i made jellys 4 jim,titus,fy n brendan last night.
pass it 2 them tis morning.
sadly i didnt c him 2dae.
aft tat i went wid michelle to 110 to meet ms ong.
2 pray for us.
during assembly i suddenly blank out.
i 4got how 2 do chinese letter writing.
as in e format.i was panicking.
when i went into e exam room.
i was like.die.which is which?
i wrote my chinese letter writing 1st.
i was stucked at e last part.
e date n name.
i wasnt sure how 2 write it.
so prayed 2 angels.
n tada i got it.thx God.
next my chinese compo.
i was totally freakin out.
i didnt how wad 2 write.
aft rushing for 50min.
i wrote over 400characters.
hoped i didnt go out of point.
i was gald i was able 2 finish it in time.
when mr lee was collecting e paper.
i realised.i 4got 2 write e QN!
i was like oh shit!but at least i wrote e title.hope it helps:(
came back home.
helped 2 bake pizza.
gona party 2night.lantern festival.yepyep.
wid party.means beer!SEXY!~
anyone found my cat?its been 8days!
God return her 2 me!
i wan her back!
my family wans her back!
how cld u do tis 2 me?
[ if only i cld b in ur arms like b4.if only we cld enjoy each other presence 2gether.if only..// ilu baby. ]
Labels: MT paper 1-compo n letter writing.8days missing
once again,every night its tears
4:45 AM
geog exam screwed man.
50% i duno how 2 do.
wad i study came out a little only!
oh no tis is bad.
but i trust in him.
wid faith.
i noe he wont let me down.
even though i'm startin 2 doubt.
still..i studied but 4 e wrong thing.
at least i studied!
my cat has been missing 4 1wk alrdy!!
anyone got anyclue? hai..
[ darling,ilu u much. ]
once again,every night its tears
1:23 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
its been 5days since she went missing.
i hate it.
why is god playin wid me like tis?
why me?why her?why now?
she is e i luv most other den him.
i'm juz so sick n tired of life.
god is juz playin wid me.
so god..had enough fun?
cld u return her 2 me now?
i did not do anything wrong.
so y r u doing this 2 me?
at tis time.when exams r near.
i cant study.i cant even eat a proper meal in peace.
u took her away without even telling me.
wad is this?some kind of torture tat only i must suffer?
if i were 2 trade my life 4 her's i wld.
gif me tat chance n i will.
i will do tat 4 any1.
she mayb a cat.
but she was e reason y i enjoyed my childhood.
other den tat.
childhood life sucks.
nothing was going right 4 me.
i always wanted 2 rush home cuz she was there.
i noe she'll always b there 4 me.
she has been there 4 me 4 6yrs now.
y did u take her away?
if she were 2 die.
let me c how she died.
i want 2 c her dead body.
if not i wld continue waiting..
..and waiting..
no other cat can replace her.
god..i beg u.return her 2 me.
every night i have slpless night.
every night i cry myself 2 slp.
worrying abt my best buddy.
what happened 2 her?
why did she sudenly dissapear?
why is my other cat behaving oddly?
i wished i had been there when some1 took her.
i wished i had been there 2 stop her frm running away.
i wished i didnt open the door 4 her.
once again,every night its tears
1:57 PM
For no reason i woke up at 7am.
i started 2 do my sewing.
its kinda screwed.
not enough purple string 2 sew finish e last E hai.
i sewed a small green hook.
so i cld like hold it.its for my preference yea.
sewed till abt late afternoon.
aft tat went 2 search 4 my missing cat again.
where on earth cld she hv gone 2?hai..
studied sci..n there goes my sat.
guess i'll end here.
spot e uncompleted part yet?
there.tat pinkish-white circle
close up..
the back of e pencilbox
once again,every night its tears
1:23 PM
met onni at spc bus-stop.
went 2 harbour fornt 2 study.
frm 11pm+ to 1pm+.
we left macs cuz tat place was too noisy.
e irritating.
so we went somewhere else.
he said he need 2 get a present 4 his little cousin.
ok.helped him alittle.
but i thought my help wasnt of any
ok erm.he bought tis named key-chain.
u noe the type when u choose ur fornt size all that den ask them 2 make it into a key chain 4 u..yea tats e kind.
aft tat we went back.
we searched 4 my cat.went into breakthrough n asked ard.
they said they hv a cat which looks like mine but its been wid them 4 quite long.
i was thinkin mayb its e same cat we're talkin abt cuz..
my cat has been wid me 4 6yrs n tranpasses 2 breakthrough..
oh well.dun wana sae anymore later they get e impression of me stealin their cat..
i gave my hse number 2 them n my name.yep.
so all i hv 2 do now is wait.
when i came back home i rest 4 awhile n went searchin ard my condo again.
its been e 3rd time 2 search my condo.
hai.i wanted 2 put up poster but my dad saes i'll get fined.
slacked e whole day.cant study properly.
i miss my cat so much.
hai..where cld she hv gone?
Name: kitty
Age 6 years old.
Response: key sound n her name.
any information pls call. 90662008
thanks alot.
reward will be upon finding of cat.
( 1 bar of chocolate n $10 . eh i pay myself family dun wana help)
so please help 2 find!
[ why isit just so hard 2 4get abt u?we aint talkin as much as b4.i dun see the future of u n me being 2gether anymore.why? ]
once again,every night its tears
1:04 PM