God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,and,
the wisdom to know the difference
In JESUS name,
Friday, September 29, 2006
uh.last night.
was horrible!
i had 2 rush on home econs course work, orca book and 1 xtra lifeskill projwork??
hate my life.
sometimes i juz feel so invisible.
went 2 skl.
had a tiring day.
came back home.
did homeecons past-year exam paper.
did some stuff 4 lit poetry slam tml.
and guess wad.
4 my home econs test i top my class. 18/20.
was hopin 2 get full-marks.hai.
my cat went missing.
kitty, come back please?
hope nth happens 2 u :(
gona slp soon.
sometimes i juz feel like giving up.
it stabs me.
i'm serious abt tis time.
when i stop loving u, i'll nv love u again.
when i said i love u, i mean it 4 real.
when i say i miss u, i really miss u.
spending my seconds thinking abt u.
thought of asking u.
but wads e point.
i'll b like a fool asking time n time again.
once again,every night its tears
12:11 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
2dae overslept.
super tired.
hours went by quickly 4 me.
my lit result. 22/30
wad a failiar.
josiah beat me wid full marks.hai.
eng lesson n 2 math lesson.
almost fall asleep during math lesson again.
aft skl studied wid mich,lat,mervyn n nikki.
studied till 5pm. ok i said " the library will be closing in 5min " - in a banglah way.
den the mdm whoever came up n told us " the library will be closing in 5min "
in the same tone n way as i said afew min b4 she came up.
n we all brusted into laughter.
it was damn damn funny!
erm..i came back home.
wash up n everything.
den later went 2 meet onni at spc busstop there at 7.30pm+.
we r gona mug 2gether n he is teaching me math!yes!
math tutor.
its a win-win situation. he gets 2 learn twice n i get 2 pass my exam!
tat is if i pass my math exam- which i will!
james came.he said he wana eat i said anything.but dun stick'll make me feel damn werid.
so yea.we end at 9.30pm.
i bought cat food 4 bao.she followed me 2 the main road den she stop la.
i feel so bad.
but u noe wad.
when we were buying e food..we saw bugs in a packt of dog food.
n it is not 1 but many many!ew!
while me n onni were walkin bac.
we saw like more den 5 cockroachs running on the YEACK!
ew many.
ok lesson learnt do not walk on tat lane during night time.
onni walked me back home.hai reminded me of him n me last time.
oh was fun though.haha talked abt alot of tings.
how PA was united last time n now not so united.
why ppl join chapel band now.
seriously.i find that more n more ppl r joining chapel band juz 2 perform n like yea..treating it as some kind of show-off kind of thing.ok tat is wad me n onni thought.
hai.i cld easily name n a few tat join 4 the sake of glamour.they might as well juz join SG idol.tsk.
espacially some ppl.its like she join 4 e sake of her bf?or is she using him as a tool?honestly i dun care.but as long as u r using chapel band thingy as a tool 4 glamour u might as well not join. Its so pissting insulting god??ok tat is my point of view but yea.wad the nehneh n i add they cant sing!its either out of pitch OR too slangie.disgusting.ok..not sayin tat my singing i soo good.i admit my singing is not good but please la wana show least get e basics yea.
reached home at 10pm.gona slp now.nite!
isit a bug day??

bug on doggie food.the black thingy.

more black thingys.
more of it...
[ u noe i luv u more then anything else. ]
once again,every night its tears
2:00 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
bad start of e week.
woke up late.
almost missed my bus.
erm..super tired.
skl as normal.
borrowed chris chng's bio bk 2 lend brendan.
poor thing.lost 2 textbk.haha.
well at least now 1 got 1 mathtextbk thx 2 brendan.
the most stupid thing tat happened is during FC.
Mr Lim gave a dicipline talk.
n some other teacher gave examination talk.
aft tat Mr Lim said " 2E&2F stay back for attire check "
n i said WAH LAO!super loud. pai sei.Mr lim like calls me wah lao girl now -.-"
like he make us walk row by row up on stage n down 4 attire check.
n when it comes 2 my turn i kana isolated.
hv 2 stand on 1 side of e side.argh.
learnt my lesson.
keep comments 2 myself, even if i wana say it.
say it super softly.
aft skl.
math lesson. 2.45pm-3.45pm
aft tat met up wid brendan 2 mug.
i mugged 1 chpt of geog.erm.chpt 3- Arable land.
i duno abt brendan.
aft tat he treat me ice-cream..
den like tat lor.
go back home.
end of my day.dead tired.
[ things could never be the same, but you are my addiction.thx 4 everything]
once again,every night its tears
1:00 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
met matthew,trevor,sk at clementi macs at 10.40am.
matt n trevor came at 10am.
tats our meetin time but sk came late.
so yea.1040am.
went 2 top-up ezlink card.
there is like tis "curse" going on between e 4 of us.
at 1st matt drop his link card den i drop my wallet.
aft tat we took bus 2 skl.2 take our bk frm locker.
aftta we head 4 matt's hse.
while waitin 4 bus opp skl, sk drop her ipod.
when boardin bus trevor drop his wallet.
on the bus.
me n sk talked abt sanitary pads.ok tat was unness but yea shld c matt's n trevor's reaction darn funny.
trevor dropped his water bottle,
sk dropped his water bottle,
i drop my wallet n matt didnt drop anything. is goin in reverse.haha.
at matt's hse.
suppose 2 do lit projwork but yea.
we played instead.
i left at 1pm 2 eat lunch wid my parents den later comin back.
during lunch.
ate carl's jr wid my parents.
bought a new orange,blue slipper.
tat bloody slipper cost $ wad the.
aft tat went back 2 matt's hse at 3pm.
at matt's hse.
feng reached his hse alrdy.
n every1 was playin-.-
eng teaching sk 2 play guitar.
matt n trevor on PS2 - Need For Speed.
so i was how?
they sae 4pm start.den ok lor.
so i played wid the com,guitar n PS2
4.45pm!nothing done.haha
by 5pm we chose the poem alrdy n practiced it twice.
n every1 went back home.
at home.
slacked.played guitar.finished IT work.
off 2 bed.
[ its amazin how u cld take me as ur gf last time when i was so irritating. ]
once again,every night its tears
2:17 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
nv slp.
spent the whole night thinking abt wad happen ytd.
i keep rolling ard on my bed-.-
n hitting my head against e cupboard.
got swollen eye liao.hai.
morning woke up.
blur blur.
day was as normal.
other den being tired
things were fine..
hai have 2 rush so many projects in like 3days?
studies 4 exam!
stupid principle sae wad.
go back home, 4pm-6pm study 1 topic.
6-7pm dinner.
7-9pm study another topic.
on weekends study at least 6-8hrs.
like WT*! give us so many project when exams r so near.
lit project,IT project, Lifeskill project.
tsk.pathetic skl.
we students still hv our own lifes 2 live ok!
came back home.slacked..all the way till 7pm den i start studying.till 9pm.
gona slp soon..cant take it.
[ sometimes. ]
once again,every night its tears
12:34 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
argh.2dae got 3 test!n i didnt wad the hell.
chinese test.
geog test.
homeecons practical.
my cooking practical is so scary!
burnt e curry paste.haha.
but still the curry still tasted nice.
obviously sk n i did adjustments.
okay.mostly sk cooked the curry n rice.
i did e dessert, deco n helped wid the curry of cuz.
i wana cry man.carry so many stuff.
but luckily,
in the morning,james help me carry 2 my locker.THX!haha
n trevor help me carry 2 e kitchen.haha.another.THX!
n erm.i juz realised tat SOME ppl in my class r babarians.
see baked chicken only snatch food.
poor Daniel,left without food.
lifeskill lesson 2dae was the worse!
shane was sitting behind me n yifeng.
den suddenly he shouted. QUIET!
damn loud la.
den feng argued wid him.
i joined cuz its super irriting.
my poor left ear.
almost wanted 2 whack tat fuckin shane.
but, he is a guy.
obviously he'll b stronger.
instead of getting him injured,
i'll get myself injured.
n i cant shout fuck u either.
so.wad lor.hai.
me n feng was damn pissted.but yea.
somehow i manage 2 get over it in 5min-.-
its freaking fast.
1st time sia.
stupid mentally retarded freak.
he shld go 2 other skls!
go woodbridge!
hai.y the stupid MOE allow him 2 come 2 tis skl.
bloody ass,
only noe how 2 read porn books,
act big.
i wished i had a gun n i'll shoot him in e head.
anyways.gave brendan some food.
ok not some but a plate of curry chicken plus rice.
haha.n yay!he said the food is nice!haha.
came back home slpt,did IT work,studied.
[ aw.get well soon^^ take plenty of rest n drink more water!dont fall sick now.its comin 2 the end of the year!i miss u.. ]
once again,every night its tears
1:50 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
so tired 2dae la.
sometimes i feel like i dun even exist in tis world.
next yr i MUST get in e same class as michelle tan.
so wad la.i'm dyin alrdy.
its like some ppl dun even need 2 try and they get everything they want.
and ppl like me, hv 2 work so hard juz 2 get wad i really really want.
sometimes.i feel like i shld juz end my life.
its so irritating.
i look at others,
they dun have to do much and they get everything anyone cld eva wished for.
i look at myself,
1 word.pathetic.
hai.came back home at 4.40pm.
ate n slpt.woke up n here i m.
[ wished, hoped. ]
once again,every night its tears
11:32 AM
Monday, September 18, 2006
woke up at 11pm.
pig.yea i noe.tired mah.
ok i skipped FD meetin
cuz i noe its crap.espacially e memebers.
not saying e I/Cs they r great.i'm refering 2 e ppl there.
went 2 my god papa hse later on.
did some revision paper on sci.
came home.
logged into my runescape account.
figured i shld visit how lousy my account is. is recorded i didnt log in since 432days
:x opps.hahas.
played 4 awhile.
toked 2 james on msn.
wanted 2 walk 2 his hse.but its 7.30pm.late.uh-hmm.
so yea.will b meeting him tml morning or aft skl.
2 hear him sing n comment on it.
feng send me links on guit tabs and songs.
tried 2 play meet you there by busted..
but i duno e anyhow try lor.
den play cut accidently open again.sians.
got 2 but medication again.
gona go slp!nites ppl!
n its been 2 days since i said SEXY!no!
[ gald. ]
once again,every night its tears
1:49 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
woke up at 9.45am.
prepared 2 cook curry chicken again.
got 2 practice for exam right.
this time i did it alone.
cuz it was kinda last yea.
when i was peeling e potato,
somehow i managed 2 chip my left hand index finger's nail.darn.pain.had 2 use nail clipper.hais.
aft was 1pm.
slacked till 3pm.
studied sci..
particle of models,atoms and molecules,electricity and using electricity.
my parents came back.slacked.
went 2 cut a loaf of bread into slices tats where i cut my thumb.
small cut.but it still hurts!
watched tv.slacked again.studied again.
gona go slp.
super tired.
[ i look at others, and i look at myself. Difference is what they have i dont. ]
once again,every night its tears
12:34 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
uh..3hrs of slp again.tis is bad.
i shld try slping early.
went to skl.
was revising on math notes for math test.
sians.was predicting if it was gona rain wid trevor n matthew.
i guessed rained.matthew wish came rained.
PE was fun man.i didnt noe y but i went hyper.
super tired 2dae.
suppose 2 teach james vocal.but yea.he wasnt free.
me n mich choo went 2 PC room 2 slack.
completed my eng homework.
went 2 canteen.
aft tat went 2 LT for GB.
1hr13min of GB.
went home.slpt frm 6-8pm.
woke up.did my homework.slacked.
watched charmed.
tml i'm gona start studying.hais.
not sure if i shld even go 2 FD meeting on sunday la.
the ppl there are HORRIBLE! :(
no offence but yea.RHQ5&6 ppl r much better.
well at least i got more friends there.den RHQ3&4.
darn it.i wished i was stayin at jurong there..
ok gona slp.NITES PPL!
[ hai. wished things were better then this ]
once again,every night its tears
3:30 PM
uh..3hrs of slp again.tis is bad.
i shld try slping early.
went to skl.
was revising on math notes for math test.
sians.was predicting if it was gona rain wid trevor n matthew.
i guessed rained.matthew wish came rained.
PE was fun man.i didnt noe y but i went hyper.
super tired 2dae.
suppose 2 teach james vocal.but yea.he wasnt free.
me n mich choo went 2 PC 2 slack.completed my eng homework.
went 2 canteen.
aft tat went 2 LT for GB.
1hr13min of GB.
went home.slpt frm 6-8pm.
woke up.did my homework.slacked.
watched charmed.
tml i'm gona start studying.hais.
not sure if i shld even go 2 FD meeting on sunday la.
the ppl there are HORRIBLE! :(
no offence but yea.RHQ5&6 ppl r much better.
well at least i got more friends there.den RHQ3&4.
darn it.i wished i was stayin at jurong there..
ok gona slp.NITES PPL!
[ hai. wished things were better then this ]
once again,every night its tears
3:30 PM
slpt for 3hrs ONLY!
hais.had problems waking up.
last night was up playing ard wid e guit n com.
went 2 skl
congyu said he'll teach me piano.
BUT i must go buy the book which cost abt 20bucks.
i'll told him i can only buy aft exams.
apperently he dun listen.
can like borrow his book 1st mah.
den c if i can cope up.
i wish there is like " O " lvl vocal exam.
it'll b so much easier 4 me.haha.
stayed back in skl.
aft lesson went 2 meet ms lee 4 xtra sci lesson wid kaiyong.
russell did daniel but later to the ending.
n YAY!i can rmb the 3thingy of acids and alkalias thx 2 brendan.
hahas.THANK U!aft tat went 2 do IT work.Mr lee taught me n e rest hu was there movie clip.
left place at 5pm.
my math textbook went MISSING!
how can!!
how m i gona study 4 exam!??NOO!
me jon n kai yong went 2 locker 2 check den to OG at lost n found.
NOTHING!.shoot it man.hai.
came back home.
installed flash.
started on lifeskill prjwork.its v screwed.
gona start studying at 9pm.sians.
[ sry abt last nite if i offended u.didnt mean to.forgive me? ]
once again,every night its tears
11:50 AM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
uh.suppsoe 2 wake up at 4am 2 study.failed.
sians.everytime like tat.
went to skl everything was as normal.
only thing 2dae IT delayed my recess..left 15min.2eat n buy food.
sians.i hate 2 rush on food man.
aft skl still got 2 go bac 2 IT room.
2.15pm sharp.
ran 2 IT room.ok the reason why is
cuz we had 2 finish tis IT project work in 2wks.
like HOW!?difficult.
my grp n i stay back aft Mr Lee taught e xtra stuff.
we went 4 lunch den came back.
created storyline.finished e background.
went 2 di siao eugene.some sec 3 guy in e IT lab.ahaha.
darn funny. he like did most of my background work 4 me.haha.
came back home ard 6pm+
rest till 7pm.
started studying homeecons.2hrs straight..
den 30min break.studied math,lit and alittle chinese!! i'm still awake.even though my brain is dead.
took my sis guit.played wid it.
now slack.or mayb slp.
[ only u ]
once again,every night its tears
4:00 PM
woke up early in e morning.3am
to study but apparently.
i was day-dreaming.hahas.
day was as normal.
only thing i felt a little rush on my studies.
n wait.did i mention 2dae is e day they release REPORT BOOK!
some1 prepare a coffin 4 me man.
i got 13 for my L1R5.
i dropppp..badly
i see all my friends score so high marks tis yr.
n i'm like dropping.change of luck?
came back home.fell asleep on sofa again.
man y i keep slping.hais.
suppose 2 study geog n math.
woke up at 6pm.
ate dinner.studied ting xie.
1chpt of geog n halfway wid homeecon assignment
mayb i'm gona wake up at 4am 2 study.
[ missed u much. gald tat we r still talking ]
once again,every night its tears
2:00 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
1st time i woke up at 4am!haha
i thought abt stuff,how things went n all frm 4am-6am.
reflections.hahas.its been along time since i did tat.
Surprisingly i woke up wid a good mood.very good mood.
so werid.but i like it.haha.
prepared and headed 4 skl.
everything seem so different..ok nv really changes.juz how i feel abt going 2 skl.
a "fresh" start.
its amazing how i can even b excited 4 exam.
like " YAY!exams r coming!!" seriously i went nuts 2dae.
mayb cuz i had too much chocolate late nite.haha
hmm..had skl as normal.
only thing i was expectionally noisy 2dae.
the only time i was quiet was only recess^^
cant blame me, i was hungry so i eat instead of talking haha.
aft skl met up wid him as we arranged.
we talked abt some stuff.
hais.missed him so much..
i duno why but when we talk, i juz feel so happy.
i wished tat it didnt end tat early.
i mean i dun hv 2 go off tat early..
den we cld continue chatting..sad..we cant.
he doesnt really needs to explain.
i noe wad happen.roughly.
its ok tat we cant patch.
predicted tat he wld say tat sentence last nite.
more or less i was prepared.
it didnt really hurt, i was prepared 2 let him go untill some1 came along n told us we shld clearify tings out.acttually there aint much tings 2 clearify.
how can u clearify miscommunication?
how can u change the past?
u cant.
stupid mistake i did.makes me regert so badly.
it hurts at 1st.but now e pain has more or less faded.
or mayb its still there all it needs a little poke to it and it'll start all over again.
i realised how important he is 2 me right frm e start of e relationship,
but sadly i didnt noe how 2 keep it.
when he said " do u think i was happy when i said to you that you could find better guys then me. "
i was thinking, if u wasnt happy den y do even said it?
i didnt like it when u said tat either.
hai.things were meant 2 b like this.i wished we had better communication in e past.
aft tis i went 4 chapel practice, was late.
aft chapel met feng n jon 2 go feng hse n do project work.
was playiing wid feng's guit.
feng teached me alittle something new 2 me.haha.
completed our proj work.
headed home.
i'll b slping early.
my study time wld b..
[ i miss u badly, i understand y we cant patch.There's no need for you 2 explain why you didnt want to patch. You said it before.I understood.the mistake,the decision i decide was make me regert so so badly.i just miss being wid you. i wonder if things went differently in the past, wld it still b the same? or something even more? ]
once again,every night its tears
10:30 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
woke at 12pm.
i feel like a pig man.haha
packed stuff 4 skl tml.*sobs*
skl reminds me of homeworks den exam!ahh
n its only 3wks aways.omgosh..
did my homework.
studied 4 ting xie.hope i can rmb man.
doodled 4 while..
chat on msn..
zheng tired 2 teach me guit thru msn.apprently failed.!
c if u cld spot a voodoo doll,a pair of cats's eye and monster's eye.haha
good luck hunting!haha.

once again,every night its tears
11:00 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
bored so i decided 2 do quiz frm siang's anyways.went 2 skl 4 math math test.luckily i studied in e morning.e formulas n i redid some math qn.lesson ends at 4pm.i stayed 1/2h to ask ms tan 2 teach me math again.some attracting attention.tsktsk.oh well.came back home.pissted.i duno y either.mayb bcuz ms tan said u need 75% EACH term?like EACH TERM!?shattered dreams..ahhh...TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName: Name: Fok Ruiling RaleneBirthday: 14.12.1992 (long way 2 go)Birthplace: singapore.Currentlocation: singapore.where else.lolEye-colour: brownish-blackHair colour: brownish-black also!hahaHeight: 155 eh wad do u expect i'm gal.Right handed or left handed: right.Your heritage: chineseShoes worn 2dae: shoe lor.haha.Weakness: cute,hot guys. but he is my weakest weakness. other den tat.studies?haha.Fears: losin wad i have.Perfect Pizza: ..anything tat contain muchmuch cheese!n i'm tokin abt tat MOZZZAREEAALLA CHHEESSE!!SEXY!Goals wld like 2 achieve tis yr: wad else can a student wan? 80% for all subjects!!1st thought when awaknen: wad day isit?/wad time isit?/did i recieve a msg?/ himyour best physical feature: u noe.seriously when i read tis i was like WAAADD!?haha..bedtime: when i feel like slping.duh.your most missed memories: him and happy memories.MacDonalds or Burger King: none?scared of them.Single or grp dates?: wid him, single.wid buddys..grp.duuhh.standard..Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?: none.i prefer chinese green tea.makes me healthier.Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla.i cant sing aft eating chocolate!NO GOOD!Cappuccino or Coffee?: CAPPUCCINO BABY!SEXY!haha.Do you smoke?: you swear?: hardly.other den basket and ass.r they counted?Do you sing?: shhyea.duh.i sing everyday without fail.How many Besties: hmm..3 or 4.i meant those really buddies 1.Do you shower daily?: OF CUZ!siao..retarded.Have u been in love?: yes.Do u wana go college?: it wld b cool.Do u wana get married?: mayb.i duno.Do u believe in urself?: yes.80%of my life.Do u get motion sickness?: yep.Do u tink u r attractive?: like wad kind of qn is tat?LOLAre u a health freak?: when it comes 2 oily food.yea!i wld puke if there r too much oil in e food manDo u get along wid ur parents?: i duno.sometimes?they nv understand me.no1 does.Do u like thunderstorm?: NO!i prefer rain.Do you play an instrument?: does playin e basic of piano n a few chords on e guitar count?hahaIn e past th hv u Drank Alcohol: no.In e past mth hv u Smoked: i dun smoke.In e past mth hv u been on Drugs: no.In e past mth hv u gone on a Date: wid friends.many many times^^In e past mth hv u gone 2 a Mall: yep.In e past mth hv u eaten a box of Oreos: so long i nv eat liao..hahaIn e past mth hv u eaten Sushi: NO!dun remind me!i miss sushi..ahhh!In e past mth hv u been on Stage: YEA BABY!i luv e stage!stage is my life!In e past mth hv u been Dumped: no..In e past mth hv u gone Skinny Dipping: ok tat sounds sick.WAD IS TAT!?In e past mth hv u Stolen anyting: nope.oh please.steal 4 wad.Ever been Drunk: YES!when i was in pr 4.super funny.i was like laughing 4 no hehe.hehe.haHAHAH!Ever been called a Tease: hmm.yes?hah cuz i like i 2 tease my buddys^^Ever been Beaten up: almost.Ever Shoplifted: almost by accident.haha.How do u want 2 Die: fast,painless,pleasing deathWad do u want 2 b when u Grow Up: dreams r shattered.Wad country wld u most like 2 Visit: australlia,japan,usa.[ always. ]
once again,every night its tears
1:50 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
woke up at 9am+
prepare 2 go skl.
met wid sexy brendanX)
we studied at stone table.
he taught me acids n alkalis,electricity.
e funniest thing is we exhanged homework.
he did my chem homework.
i did his bio homework.
uh-hmm.SEXY RIGHT!
he left at 1.10pm.
so sad la.hais.
aft tat went dover wid pritish,fai han n lim heem.
(not my clique kind but juz feel like walking so i tagged)
[ lim heem said tat kai shin called me a queen n sk a princess aft e sec 2 total can she even say i'm bossy when i didnt even tok 2 her during e sec 2 camp!? oh please.e only time i tok 2 her is during e boat rafting??cuz she n her bloody clique wasnt doin a darn ting other den watch our grp do e building of e boat.does " eh,can u like help tie e poles 2gether n dun stand there do nothing" sounds like bossing?crazy man.den is like.becuase of she n her bloody clique we short of manpower n delayed our time so we couldnt set out into sea 2 test our boat.i really really wana scold e B word.but i'm a civilised person unlike some ppl..tsk tsk ]
came back n headed 4 math lesson.
sians.was doodling wid chermaine during class.haha.
n erm..i squashed a green mentos.haha.
DUN U THINK PAULTWOHILL is SEXY when he shakes?haha

me n chermaine.ok if u r wonder y i dun look good in tis pic..cuz its in skl uniform!sians.every1 looks bad in it.
pink is me n purple is chermaine..haha..
its kinda retard but yea
wad 2 do boring wad.
plus tml got math test!
aft tat...went 2 c doc.den headed 4 e party!
e party rock!so much fun.haha
ppl were imitating spongebob n patrick.haha.darn funny.
left place at 7.30pmcame back home n slping time!
[ i miss u so much, gald tat i was able 2 c u 2dae ]
once again,every night its tears
1:54 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
last nite slp at 11pm+
woke up at 12.20am+
vomited,high fever,body ache..
went 2 take panadol.
n went 2 slp again.
arghe.cant slp properly man.
cant breathe.
it sucks falling sick.
espacially when u have things planned!
woke up at 9am.
msg jim,told him im sick n hv 2 change e meeting time wid him.
so we argeed on 12.30pm.
my maid.gave me some medication.
n said if u rest well,u mayb can go out.
i was like yay!
msged jim aft tat.
told him, i'll msg him if i can go by 11.15am.
woke up.prepared 2 leave hse.
met jim at harbour fornt mrt.
went 2 eat at e hwaker centre.
its stupid cuz i hv 2 order porridge.
took bus 855.
he still wont tell me where he is bringing me.
i suspected it'll b at a church or at some1's hse..
so yea..1/2bus ride.
e bus ride makes me wana puke:/
walk walk.n guess wad.its in a church!
wowo..i'm good haha..
e place was nice.peaceful enough 4 me 2 study.
felt werid though..hmm..
met some of my sis friends.(ex-fairsians)
haha..hmm..make some new friends..
went off at 4pm.
oh n i reached there ard 1.50pm.
so yea.i'm a good gal k!i studied.
plus.i completed most of my homework.happy man.
so yea off i go.2 e arcade!
met mengrong n zheng at dhouby ghourt.
went 2 PS.
headed 4 Yoshinoya.
man its super cold.i shld hv brought a jacket.
mengrong forced me 2 drink e soup n eat e beef.sians.
feel like puking man.
aft tat..
acrade baby!
oh b4 tat i went 2 e toilet n puke!
felt abit better.sians..of all time y now sick..
played e video games again.nice man!
Tekean.or how u spell it.
some ass..fight untill boss den die.
aft tat when i was playing he came n challenge me.
siao!he purposely let me kill him 2times.
den he finish me off.
KNS!feel so insulted.oh well..
video world.wad do u expect..
went back home at 6pm+
i cant go 4 e party tml either!
i'm SOO SAD!
gona go ppl!
thx alot jim, for letting me noe a new placex)
thx alot zheng, for accompanying me 2 e arcade.
thx alot mr, for accompanying me 2 e arcade n treating me as ur sis.
// AH! he toked 2 me 2dae again!happy! \\
[ when i was sick, i wished u were by my side 2 watch me, n gif me e sercurity. When it was cold, i wished u were hugging me,like wad we did b4.sometimes it is really hard 2 4get u.i wished life wld b easier ]
once again,every night its tears
12:00 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
woke up early.
prepared.n head 2 skl.
reach skl at 7.35am.
yep.slacked.took my books frm locker.
went 2 staff room,classrm 209 met chermaine on e way.
ms lee came.
start our lesson.
oh did i meantion tat abi,cheryl n jeantte came too.
yea they came.
we touched on e topic chemicals.
its e darn irritating topic 4 me..
8.30am+ josiah join in.
oh guess wad ms acttually let us do experiment!COOL MAN!
we get 2 play wid acid n alkali.
universal indicator,methyl orange and phenoca....
duno how 2 spell..hehe.SEXY MAN!
e alkali is darn smelly n soapy.ew.disgusting.but cool!
haha.we end like 11pm+
went 2 locker.took more books out 2 bring home :/
aft tat..erm..went out.yea.
cool day.came back tired.
i asked zheng if he wld wana go arcade wid me.
i asked bread too but he nv reply.
i asked mengrong too but he also nv reply.he got exam so yea.
e 2nd day like tat liao..haha.sians.
did something 2 my white nails.check it out man
ahh.i feel so bimbo.ew.
ok..e only reason i'm doing tis cuz i'm boreddd..pai sei ppl!
dun get shocked.haha.
[ so happy tat he toked 2 me 2dae!wee.. ]
once again,every night its tears
1:25 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
woke up wid a nightmare @ 12pm
tis is crazy.
its getting out of controll.
i think i'm a les X)
lol.not la.
if i'm a les i would b fall 4 him.
oh well.2dae..another slacking dae.
suppose 2 go bac 2 skl.
but i woke up late so yea.
lazy 2 go.haha
was arranging 2 study wid zheng..
n some other ppl..
but no1 can make yea
sad man. night me n chris was like making fun of turtles.
cuz almost every1 put e turtle sign.
like plz.there is no link between steve irwin n e turtle.
i thought was suppose 2 b croc.
werid sia.oh well..
tis was wad i drew on msn ^^
sexy right?haha.
chris said it looked like some pokeman.haha.werid.
oh well...tml got skl. gtg slp ppl.
once again,every night its tears
2:17 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
woke up at 7.50am. ready 2 leave hse 2 meet benedict.
but something came up.sians.
i'm so sry benedict.pang sei u on ur last day 2 study :/
[hai.these few days i duno wads got into me,
nails white.PINK SHIRT??
diao.i'm like so into pink now.
i denfinatly got a prob.]
hmm..aft tat..studied.
found a SEXY blogskin.
adjusted it.
n left e hse.
met mengrong at dhouby ghourt.
went 2 buy movie tickets.
guess wad we bought!
met up wid siang n zheng.
we all went 2 mos burger,arcade den 2 e movie!
at mos burger..
we manage 2 eat strawberry chocolate ice.
..oh siang duno how or wad happen..
he managed 2 spill his drink on his shirt.
aiyo so careless..

iced,strawberry coated wid white cocolate.

siang..haiyo.hey.but e buger is sexy uh.

tis is mos.
at the arcade..
siang put a 1dollar coin into a token machine n got stuck!
haha..darn funny man.
den a auntie came 2 take e money out.
den keep fierce nia.
aft tat..i went 2 play some fighting game..
u noe e token kind..
e type which u choose 1 character n fight wid another..yea..
at the movie
some kid sitting beside keep making noise!
den mengrong keep shhing the boys.
haiyo..1 simple movie also cannot watch in peace.hais..
aft tat we headed 2 harbour fornt.
at harbourfornt mrt..
siang..tapped e wrong way out.
or rather..his card could not b read.
haha..poor siang..
his 3rd sway thing tat happened 2 him.
suppose 2 meet e panadolls.but yea something came up.
aft tat...hmm..
we went 2 New York Pizza.
yummy man!
hmm..aft tat we had 2 meet richard outside yoshinoya..den..
we met every1 outside cheers.
alvin, chu zhen, orange cove, devolusion.
[party starts at 7pm.
and tat time was alrdy 10pm.. ]
siang,menrong,zheng at harbour fornt macs
we all went 2 e bus-stop.
took 100.
n went 2 tbsc.
they said it was a celebration..
i was hopin 4 some kind of party stuff..but yea
turns out 2 b..
talks!video!award presentation!
e thingys ends at 9pm.
so aft tat went 2 harbourfornt wid devolution,orange cove n e rock band ppl.
went 2 e food court.
screwed ard.chilled.
and i'm back home here.
at e food court.
the dude n marcus.
so cute right!

fiona babe n me!

me n marcus.
HE IS SO CUTE!wait n he is only sec 2!sexy babe!

orange cove!SEXY DUDES!X)

yuki babe,me,fiona babe!
told 2 act twit.apparently i failed.
thank god man.haha

zheng n me at e food court!
ps: anyone..wana study wid me tml?
once again,every night its tears
2:47 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
woke up at 7am.7AM!7AM!argh.juz 2 see doctor.sianse reason y i cant c e doc in e afternoon or late morning parents r not free..uh-hmmcame back home.gamed!gamed wid siang,feng n ky on O2jam.lame game.but it gifs me e thrills.uh-hmm..aft tat went 2 tuition.god-papa asked me if i got a crush on any1.reply was yes, a definate yes.he asks:does he noe?reply: i hope so.he asks: why him?reply: he is e sweetest person i eva known.he was like a gift 2 me.but he'll nv understand.he asks: y?reply: his personality is a werid 1.he asks: does he look like Joakim?reply: nope.but to me, he is e cutest. a gentleman.a sweetheart.oh is like tis.once u lose it.u'll nv get it back.[s]last chance 2 b wid him[/s]mistakes cant b undone.still misses him alot.wish 2 b wid him like b4.
once again,every night its tears
10:50 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
wee..went shopping wid my family members.hmm..still got plenty of homework hvnt do yet.sians..i'm getting fatter!haha..i eat so much.i wana cry man.depression make me eat so much.argh i hate it man.oh well..nite ppl.must tc k?e tian qi is getting crazy.dun fall sick like me!how i wish things wld be the same as b4.back den it was heaven, now it's hell.hoping for another chance.
once again,every night its tears
2:00 PM